Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Mediavine, Inc.mediavine.comMediavine helps content creators build sustainable businesses with full-service digital advertising technology, management and products.
Hien Nguyen Thiverbnow.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Michelle Lamsubconsciousservant.comPopular Categories Latest Spirituality Latest Love & Relationships Latest Affirmations Latest Mind & Wellness
Mixtre Media, LLCmixtremedia.comNo description available.
Cocoon Mediathecocoonmedia.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Aimee Gerouxextremecouponingmom.caNavigating Life With Kids
Sociomixsociomix.comSociomix is global platform to discover, share, and connect over unique perspectives, diverse content, and engaging discussions with a vibrant community of creators.
Magdalena Tadosgloryofthesnow.comA lifestyle blog featuring fashion and beauty tips, unique travel destinations, extraordinary experiences, gift guides, food recipes, crafts, personal finance, home decor, relationships, quotes, wallpapers, and more.
Conscious Bunnyconsciousbunny.comConscious Bunny is your reliable resource and alley in stopping animal testing and embracing cruelty-free, vegan, clean, and conscious beauty.
Easy Sewing for Beginnerseasysewingforbeginners.comNo description available.
Gene Plankerwild-bird-watching.comExplore our birds and their nesting, feeding, and courtship habits. Seed chart, birdhouse plans with dimensions.
I Heart Eating, LLCihearteating.comHere you’ll find hundreds of tried-and-true breakfast, dinner, and dessert recipes complete with step-by-step photos and recipe videos to help you make delicious food.
Liv for Cake Inc.livforcake.comPastry chef Olivia Bogacki brings you her favourite from-scratch cake recipes and more! Browse hundreds of dessert recipes perfect for any special occasion.
Dinithi Gonsalkoraletheflavorbender.comA food blog with a vast collection of delicious, well-tested recipes for desserts, breakfast, brunch, bread and dough, cocktails and more!
Talal KhanProRec.comFailed to fetch meta description.
William Rosenersuncatcherstudio.comNo description available.
Janine Waitehappyhappynester.comFind everything you need for baking, home decor and DIYs.
Garrethphrasesdirectory.comA Comprehensive English Learning Directory of Idioms, Similes, Verb and Metaphors." This meticulously crafted compendium serves as a beacon for language enthusiasts, writers, and curious minds alike, offering a treasure trove of vivid and imaginative phrases that add depth to communication.
Candice Waltripthetravelpockets.comNo description available.
Lisa Nentwichdinkel-und-beeren.deFailed to fetch meta description.
Frugal Realityfrugalreality.comNo description available.
Alice & Lois Design Studiosaliceandlois.comCelebrating the good in life
Dana Wheatleycalgaryplaygroundreview.comNo description available.
Lisa V Gotteplanted365.comPlanted365 | Easy Vegan Recipes for Everyday Life | SImple and tasty plant based, gluten free recipes to help you connect more deeply and joyfully to your food, your life, and the world around you.
JILBEE sarljilbee-learning.comNo description available.
Love Bakes Good Cakeslovebakesgoodcakes.comLove Bakes Good Cakes delivers delicious and simple family-friendly meals. Find everything from healthier recipes to over the top desserts!
Leslie Livingstonthegeographicalcure.comNo description available.
Blue Water Media ApSdivein.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Vicki Garsidebigaustraliabucketlist.comAbsolutely EVERYTHING there is to see, do and experience in Australia. Let us help you tick off your Australia Bucket List one experience at a time!
Dieter Geilingkreativraum24.deFailed to fetch meta description.
Sierra Dehmlerpassportvoyager.comNo description available.
Ruta Grasysfittyfoodies.comWe Help People Lose Weight And Keep It Off
Polar Web Designaussiegreenthumb.comAt Aussie Green Thumb, We Simply Love Gardening. This website is a way for us to offer gardening tips and ideas to fellow Australian gardeners and highlight our beautiful native plants and food.
Sage Gamerssagegamers.comNo description available.
Winston Nguyenvrheaven.ioDeveloper of "Whispers of the Luminaries" - an idol themed detective visual novel.
cookerrucookerru.comA food blog sharing quick and easy recipes full of comfort and big flavors. All recipes call for accessible ingredients with simple instructions suitable for any skill level. Happy cooking everyone!
Jango Recipesjangorecipes.comJango Recipes provides a platform for preparing easy and delicious recipes for everyone. Its healthy and delightful foodies help all age groups to enjoy flavorsome fusions.
A Way Abroadfindawayabroad.comNo description available.
Everyday Recipes LLCeverydaypie.comEveryday Pie is the go-to source for tried and true tested pastry and pie recipes that range from easy and simple to more intricate baking projects. Whether you are looking for a sweet pie, a savory pie, or a delicious dessert, you'll find it all here
Ignat Ignatovilovetheuniverse.comAstronomy blog IloveTheUniverse, learn interesting and mindblowing facts about the Universe. Best beginner telescope for kids. Home
Christopher Scottpelheat.comSearch our pellet grill/smoker database to find the best pellet grill or smoker to meet your specific budget and requirements.
LES Editorial Inclindsaysilberman.comLindsay Silberman is a New York City lifestyle blogger and influencer who specializes in luxury travel, beauty, and fashion.
Hayley Focsannourishyourglow.comNo description available.
Ram Keshwaladoesitsnowin.comWelcome to does it snow in, a site crafted for adventurers & lovers of snow. Pack your bags, hit the slopes & find out which countries it snows!
thePetsthepets.netThePets ➦ Making people greater Pet Parents ✔️ We will help you to learn more about your Pet's Health and Care ⚡ Useful Tips from our TOP Vet Experts ➤ Caring for Your Pet 🙂
Kevin Griffinartst.orgArtst is on a journey to make art accessible to all. For many art seems alien and is reserved only for those that have a formal education. At Artst we strive to make art available to everyone.
Play Party Planplaypartyplan.comEverything you need to make life more fun. Hundreds of party games, easy party ideas, free printables, easy recipes, and family travel tips!
Drive By LLCthebarbellbeauties.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Anywhere We Roamanywhereweroam.comA travel blog for the curious and adventurous; pursuers of great travel experiences.
She's Not Cookin'shesnotcookin.comHere you will find delicious baked recipes, mostly from scratch. Both sweet & savoury with easy-to-follow instructions and photographs.
Olivia Canan-Grimesaestheticpixelz.comSims 4 CC Finds & Lookbooks
Allison Millercupcakediariesblog.comFrom cupcakes to crock pots and everything in between!
All Clearthelazydish.comNo description available.
Richard Hammondwhiskeybon.comWe are a few friends that buy whiskey and write bout it. All bottles are paid for by us so reviews are totally unbiased.
FirefighterNOWfirefighternow.comI'm Josiah, a career firefighter/EMT, and this is where I share my tips and expertise on breaking into a career in firefighting.
sportdoctorlondonsportdoctorlondon.comOur clinic diagnoses and manages pain, injuries and MSK disorders. Sport Doctor London specialises in non-surgical treatments and care.
Allec Media LLCmoneydoneright.comMoney Done Right is a personal finance blog dedicated to helping everyday Americans make, save, and invest more money.
Melissa Copelandcilantroandcitronella.comVegan recipes inspired by flavours from around the world.
Mohammed Ismail Moosa Kachhiopenmediahub.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Malinda Mosermommymouseclubhouse.comNo description available.
Cynthia Raineyveggiefunkitchen.comWelcome to Veggie Fun Kitchen, a food blog where you'll discover delicious, nourishing vegan recipes. With everything from plant-based main dishes to vegan desserts and more, there's a dish for every occasion.
Paige Nadeau paymentslivelongandpawspurr.comWelcome to Live Long and Pawspurr, a blog for all cat owners. I help to answer your questions with pets, share my stories, and have fun along the way.
Grace and Yarngraceandyarn.comNo description available.
Umami Publications LLCumami.siteUmami is a food and drink website for the curious cook. Our mission is to help people explore the world and expand their taste through recipes and stories.
Artur Iamaleevhampsteadvillagelondon.comNo description available.
Feisty Tapasfeistytapas.comEasy kitchen gadget recipes to make your life easier and tastier. Recipes for your Pressure Cooker, Air Fryer, Thermomix, etc
Joanna Keohanethefamilyfoodkitchen.comNo description available.
Nicholas{{ content }}
Castaway with Crystalcastawaywithcrystal.comCastaway with Crystal is an online travel show; helping you to understand the world a little better. We cover, eco-tourism, cultural Immersion, adventure and budget travel.
Sharon Evoyanguilla-beaches.comExplore Anguilla with insiders, avid visitors who now live on-island. Voted best beaches in Caribbean. Chefs win gold medals. 6-star luxury villas/resorts. Sunniest (desert) weather. Perfect.
Ginger Heart description available.
Katie Femiathehomespunhydrangea.comLiving an Authentic & Hands on Life
Frank Thomaebbqboy.netNo description available.
Pumping Mamaspumpingmamas.comBreastfeeding & Pumping Tips for New Moms | Tips for breastfeeding and pumping breastmilk. Info on baby care, baby feeding, the best baby gear, and baby supplies. Parenting advice for new moms.
Hetti Thanthrige Dinu Sri Madusankawalkingsolar.comNo description available.
DailyNess LLCafk.guideAFK Arena Guides, Strategies & Tips Latest AFK Arena Guides New Guide Articles Basic Knowledge Miscellaneous Hero Guides Final Words Well, by now you might have got a complete idea of how interesting the game is. So what are you waiting for? Get your game now, read our AFK Arena guides and have the best
One Hundred Dollars a Monthonehundreddollarsamonth.comJoin Mavis Butterfield for vegetable gardening and canning tips, easy recipes, and saving money strategies (Rug hooking, too!). Simple living at its best!
Steph's Real Lifestephreallife.comEasy & delicious recipes, tips, and ideas for your family!
Edward Ballacademo.orgA collection of interactive, educational demos and tools. It's completely free, and there's no need to register or sign-in.
Jen Ryland LLCjenrylandllc.blogspot.comNo description available.
Elisabeth Jane Bertranddolcevia.comThe official site for Dolcevia®. Discover Slow Italy since 2001, the premier website offering travel guides in English and Dutch. Get inspired by our in-depth content on boutique hotels, slow food, and immersive travel experiences, catering especially to mindful traveler.
Emily Dillman burlapkitchen.comNo description available.
Plant Power Coupleplantpowercouple.comNo description available.
PsychMechanicspsychmechanics.comLatest articles Featured In...
Rebecca Enrightbordersofadventure.comA leading Culture and Adventure travel blog. Looking at the world differently to change perceptions of misunderstood places. By Becki Enright
Vacationeer Travels LLCparksavers.comDisney Parks Planning and News site. Bringing you the latest on attractions, dining, events, tickets and special offers.
Jane Bahrehbarorganisedprettyhome.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Erin Martinwanderlustwithkids.comNo description available.
Joyful Dumplingsjoyfuldumplings.comI'm a Passionate Home Cook Share my easy Vegan Recipes with you!
Oranjy Limited newtoski.comSkiing eCommerce store. Where over 1 million people a year come to learn more about skiing and buy skiing gear from our online shop. We’re all about helping you learn to have more fun in the mountains and get the very best from your ski trips.
Inspire the Mominspirethemom.comInspiring teacher-moms with creative, useful, and fun ideas. Find printable resources, and activies for home and school
Johnny Africajohnnyafrica.comI'm Johnny,
Teal Nexus, Sociedad Limitadalogicaldollar.comLogicalDollar will show you how to make money, save money and take control of your finances. Because financial freedom is simply logical!
The Blushing Blisstheblushingbliss.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Oh Baby Love ohbabylove.orgOffering Tips, Advice, and Encouragment for Moms on Pregnancy, Newborns, and Toddlers
Wayfaring Kiwiwayfaringkiwi.comScotland travel blog: Yvette was the first solo female to hike the Scottish National Trail, an 864-kilometre walk that runs the length of Scotland.
MD FAHIM MIAHlawnask.comEverything You Need to Make Your Lawn Beautiful
Abacus Media Marketing Inctotsfamily.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Nguyen Xuan Cuong POedcmag.comNo description available.
Nicole Loicrochetscout.comFind the perfect free crochet pattern for your next project with this curated collection of beautiful, modern crochet patterns.