Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Helena Morissettethedeliciousplate.comHere you will find mostly healthy recipes that are easy, creative and a way to spice up your everyday meals. I cook mostly vegan and vegetarian and will never say no to dessert!
SEE ANNA JANE LLCseeannajane.comA style blog, in real life.
Alexander Joannousiebland.comAktueller Espressomaschinenvergleich 2025 - Findet die passende Siebträgermaschine in unserem Test - Die Testsieger und Schnäppchen in der Übersicht.
Constance Smithcosmopolitancornbread.comNo description available.
Jamie Lee Millerperpetualpageturner.comNo description available.
My Itchy Travel Feet, Inc.myitchytravelfeet.comMy Itchy Travel Feet, The Baby Boomer's Guide to Travel is the premier travel resource and inspiration for active boomer travelers.
WODprepwodprep.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Laurie McLeanlifewithasideoftheunexpected.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Barbara E. Hallmycookiejourney.comI love to make cookies! My gift to you is cookie recipes that I make in my kitchen, taking photos, and sharing the results with you.
Roaming Media Pty Ltdchristmasmarkets.ioYour guide to the best Holiday Markets and Christmas Markets in Europe and beyond. Discover where to go in Europe, the US and Canada this winter season.
Linda Sellerslinneyville.comNo description available.
Nicole Kochcounthealthfirst.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Health and Wellness Mediahealthreporter.comHealth Reporter is a community of medical professionals who are dedicated to helping educate people on health, wellness, and diet topics.
Clare🥰 Love is in the air... 🎁 Gift baskets for all occasions 🍸 Reader favorite cocktails 🛏️ Let's decorate...
RANK DOCK SRLtoolsowner.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Joshua Dobrowitsfishingduo.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Kristy Morenosevengracesblog.comNo description available.
Aduable OÜphonetravelwiz.comStay Connected. Go Places.
Spreadsheet Classspreadsheetclass.comLearn to automate and grow your business with spreadsheets
John Brian Macatuladwillflyforfood.netWill Fly for Food is a travel blog for people who love to eat. We make detailed travel and food guides to help you plan a trip and find the best places to eat.
Michelle Jamesmichellejdesigns.comImagine * Create * Inspire
basic excelbasicexceltutorial.comFind Basic Excel Tutorial and learn Excel
Barabikubbq-helden.nlbarbecue recepten, tips en reviews voor de beginnende barbecueër die meer wil dan het standaard barbecue pakket in rode of gele marinade.
Avgeekery LLCavgeekery.comDiscover aviation as told by passionate professionals. From breaking news to untold flight history, pilot insights, and aerospace innovation.
The Butter Half LLCthebutterhalf.comTrending Recipes Healthy Recipes Browse healthy & delicious gluten-free recipes, that nourish you and your family. From breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
Descubriendo Tu¡Potencia tus puntos fuertes! En "Descubriendo Tu Estilo" aprende como verte arreglada siempre y cómo vestir bien según los tipos de cuerpo.
WaterSportsWhizwatersportswhiz.comWaterSportsWhiz the #1 resource for advice on Kayaking, Canoeing, Paddleboarding (SUP), and all things water sports related. Tips & tricks, how-tos, reviews, and buying guides.
Far and Away Media LLCfarandawaymedia.comNo description available.
Mathilde Pittet EIleoncechenal.comCurated French fashion, beauty, and lifestyle for the modern aesthete seeking Parisian chic, timeless style and inspired living.
Vladyslav Melnychukthetechlounge.comTheTechLounge is devoted to reviewing tech, software, apps and everything that excites a geeky mind. Find the best - buy the best.
Samantha Ferrarolittleferrarokitchen.comBrowse hundreds of world cuisine recipes, including Mediterranean, Jewish, Italian and more. Find recipes that inspire you to cook with bold, vibrant flavors, every day!
Michelle Wongsiftandsimmer.comInnovative and tasty matcha, dessert and baking recipes. Creative and delicious tea-infused recipes as well as popular Asian favourites.
Kessler Creative LLCkesslerelsewhere.comFailed to fetch meta description.
SP Online Marketingschlanke-rezepte.deAuf Schlanke-Rezepte findest du einfache und köstliche Rezepte zum Kochen. Suppen, Salate, Gemüse, Fleisch, Backen und vieles mehr. Lass dich inspirieren!
Grace Ste.Croixthebabyspot.caThe Baby Spot is a global online parenting magazine specializing in parenting blog posts, step by step guides, product reviews, family travel and more! We are a global safe space for parents to get the answers that they are looking for with no judgement, just acceptance!
ImportantEnoughimportantenough.comHelping you to create a lifestyle that you love with intentional living, transform your wardrobe through minimal style, feel great with healthy eating.
Anusha Rajagopaltomatoblues.comNo description available.
Mariana Zupetztulipsandtwill.comCreate the perfect cozy home feel in everything you do! Browse delicious recipes, easy DIY tutorials, and homemade crafts that will liven up every home. Simple can be beautiful. Let me show you how!
Pickleball Universitypickleballuniversity.comNo description available.
Jakency BVbelcat.beNo description available.
Sunflower Cottage Crochetsunflowercottagecrochet.comWelcome to Sunflower Cottage Crochet! Free patterns, stitch tutorials, and how-tos are just some of the things that make up this blog.
Financial Independence By Design LLCcaniretireyet.comSave More - Invest Smarter - Retire Sooner
Good Graces Media LLCgraceandgoodeats.comBrowse hundreds of quick and simple family-friendly recipes that are perfect for snack time or full meals. Then, stick around for DIY tutorials to help you live your best life and have a little fun along the way. Welcome to Grace and Good Eats!
Aarons Internet Marketing4wdingaustralia.com4WDing Australia is a fully independent 15 year old blog aimed at helping you to explore the best of Australia with a 4WD.
Andress Ortizronaldphillipsantiques.comDefinitive Guideline About Woodworking
Itchin' for some Stitchin', LLCitchinforsomestitchin.comUnleash your crochet creativity! Discover patterns, tutorials, and a vibrant community. Start your colorful crochet journey now!
Carrie Forrestcleaneatingkitchen.comClean Eating Kitchen is your #1 resource for healthy recipes and wellness tips. Recipes are made using real food ingredients, with vegan, vegetarian, paleo, gluten-free, and dairy-free options.
ANNE KARANJAjuelzjohn.comNo description available.
Claire Goodaleeclairemakery.comE'Claire Makery is a crochet blog filled with free crochet patterns, crochet tutorials, and crochet business tips, to help give you the confidence to create.
Chas' Crazy Creations LLCchascrazycreations.comNo description available.
Lori Murphyjosieandnina.comDiscover casual Italian recipes for either weeknight dinners or Sunday suppers. Handmade pastas and sauces plus foolproof pizza doughs, these generational dishes are crafted with fresh ingredients and Italian warmth.
Kathleen Culvertheflouredtable.comHomemade baked goods and sweets featuring beautiful, delicious recipes that you can recreate with confidence.
A World to Travelaworldtotravel.comSustainable travel, conscious lifestyle, slow travel and road trips, landscape photography, art and culture, music festivals, and more.
VHT_mediapaymentsvirtualizationhowto.comExploring virtualization networking cloud enterprise architecture cloud with simple solutions in today's complex virtual world
The Exploring Familytheexploringfamily.comCanadian Bloggers | Youtuber | Working Moms embracing the chaos of parenting one day at a time! Easy recipes, parenting tips and family travel ideas
Jennifer Cridergirlinthegarage.netCreate with Confidence
Dani Rodriguez LLCdani-the-explorer.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Round the World in 30 Days, LLCrtwin30days.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Shelbi Okumurabucketlistbums.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Amanda McDowellbigfamilyblessings.comLooking for a way to make the seasons and holidays a little extra special? Click on the season or holiday you're excited about to find fun crafts, easy
Rutger baktrutgerbakt.nlBakken! Met recepten voor zoet en hartig! Volop bakrecepten en bakinspiratie voor de beginnende en ervaren thuisbakker.
Jacqueline Piperpipercooks.comA food blog with a focus on easy, delicious, homemade recipes. Fresh ingredients, cooking from scratch, and simple family recipes.
Ambassador Crochetambassadorcrochet.comReaching Out, One Stitch At a Time
Wesley Banksoutdoordogworld.comOutdoor Gear for Active Dogs
Cara Campbellthegourmetbonvivant.comWe make recipes that will challenge and inspire you, not to mention impress your friends when you throw fabulous dinner parties. And, they taste amazing!
Mariette van den - Heerlijke recepten en inspiratie voor koken en bakken. Bekijk de recepten en ga snel aan de slag. Eet smakelijk alvast!
Sojourn Travel Service, Inclookslikebooks.comNo description available.
A Heart for All Studentsaheartforallstudents.comADHD and Autism: Support for Neurodivergent Moms, Kids, and Families! Be encouraged and find tools and support for your amazing family!
Jacinta René Brooksblackgirllostkeys.comLiving as a Black Woman with ADHD
NRGG LLCnrggllc.comNo description available.
The Trustee for Nusley Online Trustbulletplannerideas.comIf you are a beginner to bullet journaling or and expert who wants inspiration, we are here to help you on your bullet planner journey and share the best tips, tricks and inspirations.
Guitar Answer Guyguitaranswerguy.comNo description available.
Renee Baianosimplyrootedfamily.comLet's learn how to build strong family roots - that lead to strength, family connectivity, and resiliency as your child grows.
Wealth of Geekswealthofgeeks.comAt Wealth of Geeks, unlock the secrets to financial mastery and lifestyle enrichment, including travel and entertainment. Dive into a treasure trove of expert advice, reviews, and guides to elevate your finances and indulge in the best of geeky pursuits. Explore our curated content today!
Lap of to fetch meta description.
Rao Rizwanextremenomads.lifeExtreme Nomads is a fresh new blog about extreme sports, adventure travel and anything adrenaline worthy! Find the best destinations for your favorite sport, no B.S. product reviews, or simply great inspiration!
Parenting For Brainparentingforbrain.comNo description available.
Julie Brionesmyweeabode.comMy Wee Abode provides inspiration for creating a curated home, specifically for small home living and RV trailer living.
TEFLPA LTDdotefl.comStart your teaching adventure and teach English abroad or online. Explore TEFL courses, teaching resources, teaching jobs, and travel tips.
Amy Northard, CPA LLCamynorthardcpa.comI help small business owners all over the US navigate tax and bookkeeping systems so they can get back to the part of business they love - the creative part.
Divya Jainkuchpakrahahai.inEasy and delicious Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes
Annette Browningfiberartsy.comNo description available.
Christina Konckermidwexican.comMidwexican is all about bringing the heat to Midwestern eats. They are a fusion of Midwestern combined with bold Mexican and Tex-Mex flavors.
Paula Bendfeldt Diazgrowingupbilingual.comNo description available.
Thomas Collartcommentcoder.comNo description available.
infoloom media
Michael Simpsonskepticalraptor.comScience of vaccines, cancer, nutrition, and evolution.
Mila Design Co., LLClalalisette.comJacksonville healthy living blog by Lisette Harrington featuring clean beauty, non-toxic cleaning, clean eating, and fitness & wellness.
Alice Andersonallteamnames.comNo description available.
The Cooks Pyjamasthecookspyjamas.comNever have time to cook? Never have the right ingredients? Then I have the solution for you with heaps of easy recipes for time-poor families.
Alicia Gavarisnickandalicia.comTimeless Design
Wealth Quintwealthquint.comWealth Quint is one of most informative blog which explain everything in simple and approachable terms.
AppLover.orgberealapp.netFailed to fetch meta description.
Ritika Gannsuburbansimplicity.comHungry? Suburban Simplicity has tried and true recipes for every meal of the day. Find slow cooker staples, fun seasonal recipes, and more.
Goddard Media LLCpoliticalwire.comAll the political news in one place
Plant Based Folkplantbasedfolk.comThe Plant Based Folk blog is dedicated to bringing you the best vegan Lebanese food and plant-based recipes.
Solver d.o.o.pokemongohub.netFailed to fetch meta description.
Sandscreative LLCsmorescience.comScience News Check out more Trending Science Articles Check out more Science Videos Watch more Stars of Science Check out more Stem Careers Check out more Watch Me Work Check out more Science Trivia Quiz Check out more Maths, Space & Experiments Check out more Everyday Science Questions Check out more Our Products Single Issues Check
SaraBee is an online magazine designed to provide information for dog lovers about health, training, travel, grooming, and more.
Chris cho llcchefchrischo.comYEOBOSAYO!