Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Darcie Jacksondarciesdish.comNo description available.
Viktor Holaswisebarber.comFind reliable hair product reviews and styling tips for men to inform your purchases and hair grooming experience. Discover and shop verified products too.
Sweetheart Homestead venisonfordinner.comWelcome to my homestead! I'm here to teach you to cook with what you've got and learn everything you can about having a homestead.
Sabine Venier Mario Venieralsothecrumbsplease.comYou'll find here kitchen-tested quality baking recipes with step-by-step photos and videos for the beginner and advanced home baker alike.
Lady and the Blog, LLCladyandtheblog.comKeeping the Kids Busy | Keeping the Family Fed
Rosemary Kimaniauthenticfoodquest.comFailed to fetch meta description.
AlphasNextfinancialwolves.comFinancial Wolves is a blog focused on tips and tricks to help you make money online and offline. Achieve financial freedom.
Veronika Javorveronikasblushing.comstyle, beauty, home decor
Emily Krauseemilymkrause.comNo description available.
Ali Najmveryaligaming.comVeryAli Gaming is a website with original content that’s all about gaming, done by a select creative team of passionate gamers.
Chloe Wardeforkfulofplants.comNo description available.
CustoMediacustomediallc.comNo description available.
Annemarie Strehltravelonthebrain.netSolo Female Blog
Darcy Ogdon-Nolanrocksoffmag.comSmall, passionate and always learning - Rocks Off Magazine is an online magazine dedicated to telling the stories of our favourite music, movie, cultural and celebrity icons. We focus on the Golden Years of the 1960s, 70s and 80s - but honestly, won't avoid a good story no matter the era it originates. Rocks Off Magazine is a digital publication of music, culture, and lifestyle. Inspired by the 60s and 70s but with a modern relevance!
Fly Vekter, LLCcriticalbody.comCritical Body is the premier resource for learning how a sustainable exercise regime can improve your long-term physical health and mental wellbeing.
Animehunchanimehunch.comGet all the latest updates on your favorite anime and manga at Animehunch. Follow us for latest anime news and manga news!
Doros Mono LTDupmostly.comLearn React and JavaScript the Right Way
Erangi Udeshika Hewapathiranacrochetforyoublog.comFind crochet patterns, crochet tutorials, crochet tips, and inspirations.
Brian Parnalldungeonsolvers.comFailed to fetch meta description.
J Condie Investments LLCthepostpartumcure.comA postpartum weight loss while breastfeeding program to help mamas heal after birth, produce a healthy milk supply and lose the baby weight naturally.
Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisinewhatscookinitalianstylecuisine.comNo description available.
Little Home in the Making Bloglittlehomeinthemaking.comLittle Home in the Making is a blog focused on sharing nourishing recipes. You'll find homemade sauerkraut, kefir, sourdough, and more!
The Rich Miserrichmiser.comTips, hacks, and reviews on luxury for less. Info on travel, food, drink, apps, credit cards, and more.
Mes recettes de 1600 recettes healthy maison gourmandes, saines et de saison avec des ingrédients bruts sans farine blanche ni sucre blanc.Recette avec calories et macro !
Lanham Creationsamylanham.comNo description available.
Katherine Stonepostpartumprogress.comNo description available. description available.
Rust Publishing Ltdrustpublishing.comNo description available.
Goodness Avenuegoodnessavenue.comNo description available.
Catholic Cast Mediacatholic-link.orgFailed to fetch meta description.
Laura Sandelllaurasplans.comNo description available.
Good Food Media LLClifeloveandgoodfood.comNo description available.
Violeta Andreicuticansewthis.comNo description available.
Casually Peckishcasuallypeckish.comEasy-to-follow recipes so that you can make delicious meals at home. Stir fries, noodles, quick and easy dinners, pasta bakes and more!
E Coombes savory.mediaNo description available.
Oleksii Velykyirontar.comNo description available.
Twisted Thinking Inc.thesavvyage.comNo description available.
Enoki Limitedenoki.nzNo description available.
LVQI INCblindgossip.comThe #1 Blind Item Site in the World!
Plant-Based Cookingplantbasedcooking.comEasy, nutritious whole food, plant-based recipes. Low, sugar, salt, and oil. Get free tips and tools for healthy living.
inkhappiinkhappi.comGraphic Design, Decor & More!
Whatt.orgwezaggle.comNo description available.
Debra Prestondebpreston.comFrom Surviving Life to Truly Living It - A Practical Guide
Armine Rhea Mendozathiswaytoitaly.comNo description available.
Fay Maria Khourycupcakesavvyskitchen.comLet Me Show You How
Fresh April Flours, LLCfreshaprilflours.comNo description available.
N. Hoekemavolgmama.nlNederlandse mama blog over het ouderschap, lifestyle, reizen en meer. Dagelijks nieuwe inspirerende blogs. Samenwerken? Dat kan, neem contact op voor de mogelijkheden.
Lost in Bordeauxlostinbordeaux.comNo description available.
So Syncdsosyncd.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Lori Leeperthestonybrookhouse.comNo description available.
Esports Driven is your source for Valorant news, guides, rankings and coverage. Join the family today!
Tawcan.comtawcan.comFinancial Independence Retire Early via Dividend & ETF Investing
Billie Hilliersouthwestexplorers.comUse our guide to help you plan your next adventure. We cover hiking, camping, local things to do, where to stay and more!
Healthy Liv, Inc.healthy-liv.comEasy, nutritious recipes with simple ingredients to fuel an active lifestyle.
Zested Lemonzestedlemon.comA food blog with tasty recipes, healthy resources and simple yet effective strategies for eating well and bringing people together.
Jared Kimballtellmeinspanish.comLearn Spanish the ¡Fun Way!
Montgomery Grice Enterprises, Inc.madewithatwist.comMade with a Twist provides proven, ready-for-market crochet patterns for sellers. Find free and premium patterns to boost profits for your crochet business.
Animals Around The Globe animalsaroundtheglobe.comAnimals Around the Globe: Connecting Humans and Wildlife through Education and Animal News. Explore the wild world of Animals!
Seckloawu Blessvimbuzz.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Alison F. Langeorganizedmotherhood.comOn Organized Motherhood, you'll find tips to simplify everything about mommy life: parenting ideas, home organization tips, and everyday life advice.
Lisa Douglascrazyadventuresinparenting.comWelcome to Crazy Adventures in Parenting, a parenting blog with easy dinner recipes, fun crafts for kids, free coloring pages, home decor, and so much more!
Purple Sage Co LLCeverydaywanderer.comFind inspiration for your next adventure. Discover travel destinations, get travel tips, and more with Sage Scott, the Everyday Wanderer
Callum Mitchellfmbrotherhood.comHere you will find the Best Football Manager tactics, FM experiments, FM Stories, Team Guides and Wonderkids lists!
Morgan Peaceman d/b/a Nomaste Hungry LLCnomastehungry.comWelcome to Nomaste Hungry, a blog dedicated to delicious, approachable, feel good recipes!
HH2023hawk-hill.comDIY home and garden adventures- plus easy tutorials for your home, art, hobby farm, chicken coop, or digital life
Christina Shirleytheshirleyjourney.comFinding Joy in the Journey
DIANNA KENNEDYthekennedyadventures.comOffering practical solutions for today's Catholic parent
Active Parentsactiveparents.caLooking for things to do with kids in Hamilton, Burlington and Oakville? Active Parents is Halton and Hamilton's #1 resource for local fun.
Paula Rhodessaladinajar.comHere at Salad in a Jar, you'll find plenty of how-to's, shortcuts, and tips about bread machines, homemade yogurt, and delicious recipes.
Juan Highlandmarcasdetequila.comEverything to know about Tequila in one single site!
Julia Faintagandtibby.comDiscover budget-friendly home decor inspiration and ideas. Creative DIY projects, stylish tips, and thrifty decorating solutions without breaking the bank!
Sharon Farnelljawnsicooked.comNo description available.
Eternal Expat Ltdeternal-expat.comGet the best travel tips for Europe, Mexico, the USA from Laura Bronner of Eternal Expat who has been traveling the world for 10+ years
David Caulfieldsnookerhq.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Gorth Servicescanveganseat.comNo description available.
Jung Kimhighfivedad.comNo description available.
Fitwaffle Limitedfitwafflekitchen.comFind hundreds of delicious desserts, cakes, and baked recipes including dessert recipe videos for people of all levels. Easy-to-make desserts.
Kanthi Bavithadndtopics.comNo description available.
Sunlight Media Group LLCrecipessimple.comFamily friendly Recipes that are delicious! Quick and easy simple recipes for the best home cooked meals your family will love.
Natalie Linda LLCnatalielinda.comNo description available.
Pailin's Kitchen Thai recipes with step-by-step video tutorials by Pailin Chongchitnant, cookbook author, TV host, and YouTuber.
Continent Hopcontinenthop.comContinent Hop is for inquisitive explorers who yearn for engrossing experiences be it in tourist hot-spots or remote locations on the planet. It’s also for
Pranab Sentechniquehow.comNo description available.
Tastefully Gracetastefullygrace.comBrowse hundreds of delicious and satisfying seasonal recipes perfect for any meal or occasion. With detailed instructions and expert tips, you'll create perfect dishes in minutes, without any formal training. Start cooking and baking today!
Blue Ocean Digital OÜblue-ocean-digital.comNo description available.
Maeven Media LLCmakeitdough.comMake It Dough is a baking blog for sourdough bread and sourdough discard recipes. Find recipes and tips to help you make better bread.
Her Happy Heartherhappyheart.comNo description available.
WriteAway LLCfamiliesforfinancialfreedom.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Natalie Clausenfullgreenlife.comHelping busy moms learn how to create a healthier, greener home even while raising a busy family. Find green living tips, non-toxic swaps, family-friendly recipes, and parenting tips and strategies on Full Green Life.
Calavan Media Group LLChomerepairgeek.comFailed to fetch meta description.
FIXD Automotivefixdapp.comNo description available.
Fueled By Wanderlust LLCfueledbywanderlust.comNo description available.
Hey Lets Make Stuff LLCheyletsmakestuff.comHey, Let's Make Stuff is full of things to help you create a life you love: easy crafts, fun printables, SVG files for cutting on your Cricut or Glowforge, sublimation crafts, DIY home and decor ideas, and so much more.
Fadela boutaghanesweetlycakes.comLes recettes gourmandes by Sweetly Cakes, trouvez votre bonheurs parmi mes recettes sucrées de pâtisseries Françaises et Américaines !
Mommy's Bundlemommysbundle.comParenting resource featuring pregnancy tips, must-have products for new moms, toddler activities and more!
Vanessa Romanovanessacuisine.frFailed to fetch meta description.
Tonya Pratertravelinspiredliving.comTravel Inspired Living shares things to do in Ohio, van camping, road trip ideas, fun roadside attractions, romantic getaways through trip reports and travel guides.
Simonlesmagiques.comNo description available.
Kristen Doyledineanddish.netFood blog with family recipes
Samantha Ramossammyapproves.comNo description available.