Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Nibble and Dine LLCnibbleanddine.comNo description available.
Ivi Liakopouloukopiaste.orgFailed to fetch meta description. to our fitness and health website! We provide you with the tools, resources, and support to empower you to achieve your health and fitness goals. From workout plans to nutrition advice, we've got you covered.
Surf Fishing In So Calsurffishingsocalsd.comWhat is surf fishing? How to surf fish? If you have these questions and more, Surf Fishing In So Cal has all the answers. Come learn and...
Lord Byron's Ktichenlordbyronskitchen.comNo description available.
One Smart Cookie Inc.dinnerwithjulie.comLife in my kitchen
Munis Teknolojitheblogler.comGuides, tips, and useful perspectives on living a life without borders for digital nomads, expats, international retirees, and perpetual travellers.
Sam Does Her Bestsamdoesherbest.comSam Does Her Best is a gluten-free and dairy-free recipe blog haven for fellow IBS-sufferers and those looking to live a healthier life!
InteriorTwininteriortwin.comInterieuradvies en stylingtips met blogs vol wooninspiratie, inrichtingsideeën en meer. Voor iedereen die hulp zoekt bij het inrichten van het huis.
Jennifer Penasayearofcocktails.comNo description available.
Harrington’s Marketing Limited thesmallbusinessblog.comThe Small Business Blog is a community for business ideas, startups, enterprise, small business, working from home, self-employed, etc.
Lakeshore Labcompletetri.comJoin our free triathlon & cycling club A concise weekly email trusted by thousands of triathletes and cyclists. Tips, news, and great discounts. Submit You have been successfully Subscribed! Oops! Something went wrong, please try again. Cycling Cycling, Indoor CyclingBest Smart Bike Trainers and Cycling Apps Buying GuideVon CollinsCyclingCycling Cleats and Pedal Basics: SPD vs.
Dominika Kianickovathepathprovides.comMulai pasang angka jitumu bersama bandar toto terpercaya birutoto untuk mendapatkan hadiah paling besar dan pastinya kemenangan dibayar lunas tanpa potongan apapun. Ayo mulai bergabung dan dapatkan hadiah menarik
Kimberly DeCarrerarvtailgatelife.comFollow along on a road trip through America in a motorhome, from one football, baseball, NASCAR, & music tailgate to the next.
Simply Suwanee simplysuwanee.comAuthentic Thai recipes by Simply Suwanee with easy, delicious, and healthy recipes. Sharing bold Thai flavors from my kitchen to yours!
Patryk Doorneboscartriple.comThe best Audi, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz blog. Find reviews, step-by-step guides, reliability insights, and much more. One fascinating article at a time!
Kimberly Conneradventuresnsunsets.comNo description available.
The Grey One Ltdlovethenightsky.comOur mission at Love the Night Sky is to help backyard astronomers get more joy from their hobby through easy to follow and actionable articles and guides.
Donna Wishartwhattheredheadsaid.comA family lifestyle blog covering Surrey, Hampshire, Berkshire, London and beyond. Featuring days out, travel, recipes, competitions and more.
Lavender Lane Interiors LLCseekinglavenderlane.comNo description available.
Angela Southworthbudgetingforbliss.comBudgeting for Bliss helps you live better on less by showing you how to simplify your everyday routines, save you money and help you manage your finances.
Hero Travel Supply, LLCasherfergusson.comAsher & Lyric love traveling the world with their growing family. They share helpful research studies, travel guides and tips for raising a family to help keep you safe at home and while traveling.
Kristen McDonnellstudioknitsf.comStudio Knit is your joyful knitting home! Browse free stitch patterns, video tutorials, and projects to get inspired today.
Lisa Goodmurphygonewiththefamily.comShowing our kids the world - one trip at a time. Sharing our family's adventures and hoping to inspire other families to travel with their kids.
Dora's Table Media LLCdorastable.comBrowse dozens of easy vegan Mexican recipes that are delicious and preserve the beauty of the different regional cuisines of Mexico!
Cyber Pawn GmbHplaycentral.dePlayCentral gibt Dir den vollen Überblick zu allen Spielen, Serien, Filmen, Releaseterminen, News, Screenshots, Bildern, Artikeln, Videos, Trailern und vielen
Nicholas Argirounikolopaa.comAuthentic easy to make Greek food recipes for your whole family to enjoy. From traditional charcoal cooking, to beautiful Greek desserts!
Lion's Bread LLClionsbread.comLion's Bread - Everyday Artisan Baking by LeAnne Shor
Webgardenerwebgardner.comApril 1, 2024
Friends Art Labfriendsartlab.comFind fun activities for kids to bring creative learning into your home or classroom. Shop our viral giant coloring banners and coloring pages.
Philipp Gilchdart21.dellll➤ Hier dreht sich alles rund um Darts ✓ Hilfreiche Ratgeber ✓ Ausführliche Testberichte ✓ Spannende Blogbeiträge ✓
Oleksandr Lankmilermission-statement.comExplore a vast collection of company mission statements, learn their significance, and find tips on crafting your own at Mission Statement Academy. Visit now for insights.
Michelle Moreybarefootinthepines.comBarefoot In The Pines is your go to site for easy family recipes. Here you'll find foolproof kitchen tested recipes with New England flair!
Newly Swissed GmbHnewlyswissed.comSwitzerland travel
Techflow SRLdiys.comUp-and-coming community of people specialized in high-quality and on-trend DIY projects and tutorials in home design, fashion, and crafts
Kimberly G. Mastservingupsouthern.comNo description available.
The Blonde Abroad LLCtheblondeabroad.comThe Blonde Abroad is an award-winning solo female travel blog featuring travel tips, packing guides, videos and photography from around the world.
Grace Robertspixiedustandpassports.comA Place For All Things Disney.
Sarah De la Cruzfrieddandelions.comKid tested, family friendly, allergy safe vegan recipes!
Be Happy in LIFEwww.ronitbaras.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Tuva Elise Henriksenbreadbyelise.comBread By Elise offers delicious bread and pastry recipes for home bakers. Discover detailed instructions, and tips for bakery-quality treats.
Yu Xiaoxiaosewingmachinebuffs.comFailed to fetch meta description.
District Collective Pte Ltdsynced.sgFailed to fetch meta description.
Eat Beautifuleatbeautiful.netWellness Diet Recipes & DIY Remedies
Heather Brostermirrorlessons.comMirrorless camera reviews right at your virtual doorstep!
Stian Normann Eikaasoakmanmedia.orgNo description available.
Alpis Media Limitedalphashooters.comNews & Community for Sony Alpha Shooters
Lindsey LaSuereverydayabovedirt.comNo description available.
Bona Fide Bookwormbonafidebookworm.comBona Fide Bookworm is a blog for book lovers that shares book lists, books to read, book inspiration, and more to help you live your best book life!
Smart Family Moneysmartfamilymoney.comAt Smart Family Money, you’ll get tools to take control of your money, confidence in your financial future, and freedom with your time.
Bre Inspiring others to love the space they live in ~
Oh Lardy LLCohlardy.comReal Food Fermenting Non-Toxic Chickens Healthy Lifestyle Essential Oils Appetizers Breakfast Desserts Drinks Entrees Soups More Recipes Get in the know.
GOSU description available.
David Leegobackpacking.comNo description available.
Stefanie Bundalosarcasticcooking.comDishing up honest food with a dash of humor...
Africa Freakafricafreak.comAt Africa Freak, our raison d'être is to celebrate wild Africa and inspire people to reconnect with nature.
Maniez Design Studio LLClifeslittlesweets.comOmnivore Loving Plant-Based, Vegan, Vegetarian Recipes too. Family recipes, vegan, gluten-free & family lifestyle blog covering life with kids, mom topics, and blogging.
Farmhouse From Scratch LLCfarmhousefromscratch.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Luci McQuitty Hindmarshmumsmakelists.comMML is a UK based lifestyle website offering kids' party planning and gift buying guides, ideas and inspiration. Published by Luci McQuitty Hindmarsh.
Ruth Kirwanpercolatekitchen.comAt Percolate Kitchen, we love easy meal preps for busy families (dump & cook, freezer-friendly) made from straightforward, fuss-free recipes.
ReallyRee Publishing Limitedreallyree.comThe ReallyRee beauty blog is the authority in all things new and hot in the beauty world. You'll find sneak peeks, in-depth reviews, photos, swatches and more!
Celebrity Pets Inc.celebritypets.netYour guide to celebrities' pets and pets that are celebrities - With famous fur babies, pet stars, remarkable rescues, real stories, & beyond!
Smart Mom Smart Ideassmartmomsmartideas.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Iseli International Commerceiseliinternationalcommerce.comNo description available.
Roy Schalkwijkbbq-junkie.nlBBQ Junkie is een website vol BBQ recepten en BBQ inspiratie! Hier vind je BBQ recepten, BBQ reviews, uitleg van BBQ technieken en nog meer!
Bilal Khojaautochimps.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Billit Zone Corpclassicbakes.comFailed to fetch meta description.
My Cooking Journey LLCmycookingjourney.comMy Cooking Journey is all about family friendly Vegetarian and Vegan recipes from around the World with focus on Indian cuisine.
Kitchen Concoctionskitchen-concoctions.comon a mission to help people gain confidence in the kitchen
Homes and Living Collective LLCfloridahomesandliving.comFlorida Homes and Living takes a well-rounded approach to a fun and laid-back Florida lifestyle. Learn more about the Sunshine State!
Nicholas Lupu-Karayanisthebeardedhousewife.comNEW YEAR winter VALENTINE'S DAY free files LATEST TUTORIALS Hi! I'm Nick aka The Bearded Housewife! I have been a crafter my whole life and a Cricut lover
Dreyer Designs LLCkatedecorates.coColorful, classic, affordable decorating ideas are our forte here at Kate Decorates. Get easy decor tips, luxurious looks for less and more, all on a budget.
Otter Media Ltdpebblemag.comLiving
K-Kash Enterprises LLCkolbykash.comChef Kolby Kash is self-taught chef with a vast online media presence. He is also a published author that creates dishes fit for the family.
Crystal Garmansimplyfullofdelight.comPractical Help for Parents
Entertaining with Bethentertainingwithbeth.comNo description available.
Amy Dingmannafarmishkindoflife.comI’m Amy: homesteader, author, podcaster, and thinker of deep thoughts. Join me as I learn about life and explore big questions on a little Minnesota farm.
The Brain and The Brawnthebrainandthebrawn.comNo description available.
PPS Digital Marketing Ltdcruisenonstop.comIf you love cruising then make Cruise Nonstop your first port of call. A Cruise Blog and Travel guide for Cruise Fanatics just like us.
Rakibul Hasanbeauticlassy.comDiscover the latest beauty tips, fashion trends, makeup tutorials, and skincare advice at Beauti Classy. Your ultimate destination for style guides, cosmetic reviews, and expert beauty insights. Stay classy, stay beautiful!
Blackstone Designsblackstone-designs.comGrab a hook and some yarn, and let's crochet beautiful things!
Upcycle My Stuffscrapfabriclove.comNo description available.
Miljuschkamiljuschka.nlMiljuschka hier, ik ben dol op lekker eten én koken. Op mijn website vind je dan ook de lekkerste en simpelste recepten en nog veel meer.
La Cuisine de Bernardlacuisinedebernard.comJe fais régulièrement des pâtes à la maison, comme vous sans doute. J’avais réalisé cette recette pour un diner entre amis, et nous nous étions régalés.
JOURNEY ERA TRAVEL PTY LTDjourneyera.comCrazy world travel adventures of solo backpacking by a 24-year-old from Adelaide, Australia. The adventures of Jackson Groves.
S2 Consultants, LLCpinchandswirl.comA Food Blog of Fresh Ingredients Prepared Simply.
Justin McLaughlinbrandcredential.comNo description available.
Tiffany Nelsonsimplyhappenings.comSimply Happening offers everything you need to cook a homemade meal. From one-pot meals to cupcakes a tasty recipe awaits you.
Five Sensesfivesensesofliving.comNo description available.
Emily Laurae Creative Studioemilylaurae.comAt Emily Laurae you'll find flavor-packed dessert recipes, cocktail recipes, savory delights and techniques to elevate your home creations!
Nicole Franklinmodernpreschool.comSuper simple learning ideas for kids!
Mary H Wilsonmaryhannawilson.comCelebrate a Book with Mary Hanna Wilson is homeschooling blog and resources for families to read and enjoy books in their homeschool.
Olivia Herlihyukbeautyroom.comUK Beauty Room is a beauty blog owned by Olivia Herlihy. Olivia blogs about natural remedies for skin & hair as well as Korean & Japanese...
Nedra McDanieladventuremomblog.comNo description available.
Tommy Media Inc.routerfreak.comRouterFreak is the blog for network engineers written by network engineers.
Mattmymoderncookery.comClassic Cooking with a Modern Twist
Marion Kloskowskibasteln-gestalten.deTritt ein in die abenteuerliche Welt der Schaffenden. Hier kannst du basteln & gestalten, deine Kreativität voll und ganz austoben. Bau dir aus Papier…
Tay Chye Hengfitnesspurity.comNo description available.
Ella Stearnforgettingfairytales.comForgetting Fairytales is the leading Breakup, Dating & Relationship blog, building happier, healthier relationships with yourself & others.