Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Danya Banyadanyabanya.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Veronika Tomanovaveronikasadventure.comLive You Adventure
Lisa Grantjerseygirlcooks.comNo description available.
Top Fitness LLCtopfitnessmag.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Food Duchessfoodduchess.comA food blog full of a great variety of recipes, as well as an in depth look into the how's and why's of cooking and baking.
Pinch Me Goodpinchmegood.comNo description available.
Club Trader Joe'sclubtraderjoes.comNo description available.
Certified Pastry Aficionado, LLCcertifiedpastryaficionado.comNo description available.
VALENTIN TESSEREAUla-poze-travel.comBlog Voyage de Pauline et Valentin ! Nous partageons nos aventures en France et autour du monde pour vous inspirer lors de vos prochains voyages et road trip.
Albino Christopher Chuaiwandered.netA Singapore travel blog showcasing travel guides, itineraries, food and hotel reviews.
Natalie Desrochersnelidesign.comI help crafters create a beautiful and functional home with useful Cricut DIY projects. I'm always looking for new crafts to make!
Mark Wolterswoltersworld.comNo description available.
Ann-Marie Rohechaosisbliss.comLiving through the chaos to get to the bliss. Spend less, do more, love life.
David Murphyfoodnservice.comHere you can enjoy a collection of Instant Pot Recipes, Yummy Desserts, MyWW Recipes, air fryer recipes, easy meals, one pot meals, and more!
Marisa Atwoodthepennywisemama.comNo description available.
The Chunky Chefthechunkychef.comNo description available.
At Home with Ashley LLCathomewithashley.coma home decor blog, making it pretty one space at a time
Savanah Montgomerymidwestmodernmomma.comNo description available.
Brown Bear Creativeanimalfactguide.comAt Animal Fact Guide, you can learn about interesting and endangered animals from around the world. Then take our fun animal quizzes!
Dong Ngodongknows.comThat is if you visit the website to see what tech it is and how Dong knows it. Otherwise, it's only good... for somebody else!
BusyBeingJenniferbusybeingjennifer.comWhat doesn't kill you make you blonder
Digital Treasure Kft.womenio.comYour go-to lifestyle magazine with the best advice on relationship, hair, nails, skincare routines, beauty tips, life hacks, and much more.
Handmaid Doula Servicehealthymamahacks.netExpecting a Baby? FREE New Parent Support! Get Your FREEPrintable Postpartum Plan+ FREE Email Course! Hi, I'm Karen! I am a certified postpartum doula, birth doula and lactation counselor. I have a passion for helping parents during the 4th trimester. It is my mission to help new mothers to THRIVE during postpartum recovery and not
2 Bees in a Pod2beesinapod.comNo description available.
Three Olives Branchthreeolivesbranch.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Sula and Spicesulaandspice.comHere you'll find ideas for everything from main dishes and sides to appetizers, cocktails and dessert. We try to keep it healthy but…balance!
WebForce Digitalaleanlife.comConsistent action in fitness, nutrition, and wellness is the key to A Lean Life. Learn a simple blueprint for body wellness, and the best shape of your life!
FINSAVVY PANDA GROUP INC.sweetmoneybee.comWomen’s Lifestyle Blog
Martin Wuwanderzauber.deEntdecke die Welt des Outdoor-Abenteuers mit unserem Blog! Vom Wandern über Camping bis hin zu Tipps für die perfekte Ausrüstung
Ellen Folkmanfamilyaroundthetable.comFind a New Favorite Recipe Search hundreds of easy, family-friendly recipes to find something new! Subscribe and get new recipes and exclusive content!
Mbumba Justine Mfulamajustinemfulama.comDating & Relationship Advice
Corinne McDermotthavebabywilltravel.comThe best baby and toddler travel site. Our mission is to inspire, motivate, and help families travel with babies, toddlers & young children.
Donna-Kay Delahayehuesofdelahaye.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Vigor it Outtheperfectpregnancyplan.comNo description available.
Freelance Servicesgighustlers.comRead More
A Beauty Edit, LLCabeautyedit.comExploring the best in beauty including skincare, makeup, haircare, and bath & body.
Jennifer Phillipsjenniraincloud.comJenni Raincloud is a DIY skin care blog full of homemade beauty recipes that are natural yet effective for beautiful skin! Learn how to make skin care products in your kitchen for a fraction of the cost of conventional products!
Routinely Nomadicroutinelynomadic.comRoutinely Nomadic features all the destination info, trip stories and travel advice you need to plan your next great adventure.
DYC mediadyc-media.nlDYC media is de uitgeeftak van concept- en copybureau Doyoucopy dialogue marketing. DYC media beheert en exploiteert een aantal websites.
Sofie Belanger Dayskandibaking.comSharing our recipes for Scandinavian baked goods that anyone can make and enjoy. Join the community and bake with us!
George Tsayjapaninsides.comJapan Inside News Moving To Japan Japan Real Estate
Marija Svjatskafifthavenuegirl.comWelcome to Fifth Avenue Girl - a top destination for all things luxury fashion, beauty and lifestyle.
Dana DeVolkthissillygirlskitchen.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Dori Turner Interiorsdoriturnerinteriors.comWelcome to Dori Turner Interiors where I share decor design tips, do-it-yourself projects, and painting guides!
Edwin Pang Jian Xiangtoptirereview.comThe only dedicated tire website run by a former tire engineer. Getting you the latest tire comparison & insights in the tire industry.
Diane Lowe-- Early to Bed Early to Riseearly2bedearly2rise.comNo description available.
Tickled Pink in Primarytickledpinkinprimary.comEducational resources for teachers to help bring the FUN back into learning.
Caitlin Krusethemamanotes.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Do Not Disturb Gardeningdonotdisturbgardening.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Mohamed Tasmamatsteadyfoot.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Muhammad Atif Qazipcguide101.comPC Parts, Gaming Builds, Work Builds, Motherboards and much more in detail!
Stay At Home Educatorstayathomeeducator.comFind engaging preschool lesson plans, activities, and teaching resources to support early childhood education in the classroom or the home.
Maurice Tousignanttabletopbellhop.comPlaying games is all about building connections and spending time with friends and family (and sometimes making new friends along the way!).
DESPAIN MEDIA LLCwhimsicalseptember.comA Family + Lifestyle Blog
Pickett Krayniyseasonalmemories.commaking the most of everyday life
SALT effectsalteffect.comSALT effect scours the web & personal resources to provide working moms with the latest ideas & guides to better connect with tweens & teens.
Delineate Your Dwellingdelineateyourdwelling.comNo description available.
Fekitoa Incseelindsay.comJoin me as I teach you how easy it is to use up your craft stash to make amazing creations without taking a trip to the craft store (your wallet will thank me!). Together we'll create beautiful projects using only the supplies you have on hand. I’ll help you decipher what craft cutting machine you need and what you can cut on each one. I’ll also show you how to use those same machines to create epic parties
Ashley Taltonpitterpatterofbabyfeet.comA website dedicated to fertility, trying to conceive (TTC), infertility treatment, pregnancy health and tips, parenting, mental health, special needs and autism, sensory activities and play, as well as self-improvement and self-care for moms.
DIY Geeksdiygeeks.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Diana Stonestillstandingmag.comStill Standing Magazine shares stories from around the world of writers surviving the aftermath of child loss and infertility.
Crazy Family Adventurecrazyfamilyadventure.comCrazy Family Adventure is a family of 6 traveling the US in an RV bringing you great family travel tips! Deepen your family bond through travel!
Megan plus FIVEmeganplusfive.comASIAHOKI adalah dewa slot gacor hari ini yang memiliki lisensi resmi dari curacao dan menjadi salah satu situs slot88 paling gampang menang maxwin yang pernah hadir di indonesia.
Quiet Measures LLCjuliemeasures.comMeasure your life by yards, cups, and miles
HostingNsharingstudybuff.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Joseph Rosseattheplanet.orgNo description available.
Susan Williamsthatsusanwilliams.comWhere You'll Find Faith, Food, and Fun
gorillabrands GmbHcrystalsandjewelry.comNo description available.
CheeseWeb.eucheeseweb.euNo description available.
Mohammad Qusir Rathercharmingscience.comCharming Science features breaking news about the latest discoveries in science, physicis, astronomy, technology, and more -- from leading universities,
Renu Agrawal Dongrecookwithrenu.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Vasiliki Foudoulirealgreekexperiences.comReal Greek Experiences is a travel blog about Greece and the Greek islands, which helps you plan your Greek vacation. Enjoy your stay!
EnlightenedElisaenlightenedelisa.comEnlightened-Elisa hopes to enlighten, inspire, and bring light to others through the eyes of the author.
Thriving Homethrivinghomeblog.comCookbook authors helping you get healthy food on the table with easy recipes, freezer meals, and so much more! Find a new favorite today.
Lisa Jaspersacountrygirlslife.comFREE Planner Printables to Organize Your Life!
Maura Wall Hernandeztheothersideofthetortilla.comWelcome to The Other Side of The Tortilla: A mix of traditional and modern Mexican recipes, explanations of ingredients, culture and more.
Dorothy Stainbrookfarmtojar.comThe road to health through seasonal recipes, edible gardening guides & blended wellness teas and herbal teas.
Amanda Westmommity.comParenting, Recipes, and Family Adventures – Inspiring Everyday Life with
Christie Cronanraisingwhasians.comMovies, Recipes, Crafts, Travel "Mixed" With Family Fun
VGN Society S.R.Ldrveganblog.comEasy-to-make, delicious vegan recipes from around the world that both vegans and non-vegans love by Dr. Vegan
Digital Pressvoyageursintrepides.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Anett Szaszisnorkelaroundtheworld.comAll you need for perfect snorkeling holiday! Snorkeling place recommendations, snorkel gear and underwater camera tips from experts!
Feeling Foodish LLCfeelingfoodish.comCelebrating the rich heritage of Italian-American cuisine, featuring recipes for pizza, bread, pasta, desserts, and more.
Kirsten Robbinsrippedjeansandbifocals.comNo description available.
Donald Gardnerbostonterriersociety.comYour Place For Everything Boston Terrier.
Sidewalk Shoessidewalkshoes.comBrowse hundreds of easy delicious recipes, tasty cocktails and travel reviews to help you live your best life.
Life After Wheatthereislifeafterwheat.comYou don't have to miss out because you're gluten free! Learn how to make gluten free recipes that actually taste good & get honest reviews of gluten free products
Paging Fun Mumspagingfunmums.comReplacing Insanity with fun!
Next Media Corp.onedayitinerary.comOne Day Itinerary is the largest collection of exciting travel itineraries you can find. Learn all about your next destination and discover some great tips.
Hola Jalapeñoholajalapeno.comHealthy Mexican recipes for a new generation. Vibrant cooking based in the Mexican pantry but influenced by my two decades of experience in the kitchen.
Vianney Rodriguezsweetlifebake.comWelcome to Sweet Life with Vianney Rodriguez - a celebration of life in South Texas and exploration of its food and culture.
Southern Charm Wreaths, LLCsoutherncharmwreaths.comSouthern Charm Wreaths is a faith based company whose mission is to propel the wreath making industry by educating and inspiring makers.
Simply So Healthy, LLCsimplysohealthy.comNo description available.
Alyssa Mattpartyofalyssamatt.comStop Waiting Start Living
City Farmhousecityfarmhouse.comWelcome to City Farmhouse by Jennifer O'Brien -I am a design cheerleader to anyone wanting to embrace the journey of making a house a home.
Venture Kiteglutenfreepalate.comEasy Gluten-Free Recipes and Resources!
March Holdings, LLCfoodchamps.orgFoodchamps is the best resource for food ideas, ingredient substitution guides and food preservation tips.
Stuart Crawfordinkbotdesign.comInkbot Design is a creative branding agency in Belfast that works with innovative, visionary companies to launch, grow, or refresh their brands.
Grass Fed Salsa, LLC.grassfedsalsa.comLive your best life with simple AIP, Paleo, and Whole30 recipes, along with holistic detox tips and wellness strategies. You can do it, we can help!
1000543729 ONTARIO LTDallnichemedia.comNo description available.