Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Vernon Nutrition Center LLCerinpalinski.comAs a media dietitian, diabetes author, and busy mom of 3, Erin shares quick & healthy recipes, diabetes resources, weight loss tips, and practical advice for busy moms. Live your best life with nutrition expert & nutrition spokesperson Erin Palinski-Wade!
Marchmont Publishingportugalist.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Laurianne Pauperleensucre.comBlog de pâtisserie vegan sur lequel je partage mes recettes faciles ou élaborées de desserts, gâteaux, biscuits, tartes, entremets, et autres gourmandises.
KXE Marketing LLCmousehacking.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Claire Gregorythesimple-sweetlife.comWhip up something sweet with these easy, home baker approved recipes. Whatever you're looking for, you're sure to find something that tastes like home.
Sugar, Spice and Family Lifesugarspiceandfamilylife.comSugar, Spice and Family Life is a blog for moms that features recipes and everything family.
Tessa Fishersaltedplains.comDiscover gluten-free recipes and healthy treats at Salted Plains. From wholesome meals to decadent desserts, find easy, delicious, and allergen-friendly recipes to elevate your cooking. Perfect for those with dietary restrictions and health-conscious eaters.
Kathleencion Gagajenaanytots.comNo description available.
Tanvi Srivastavasinfullyspicy.comOn Sinfully Spicy, find 200+ modern and traditional Indian food recipes. Follow author Tanvi Srivastava's easy to follow, step-by-step instructions to cook flavorful, healthy meals with a sprinkle of spice.
Omega Outdoorsomegaoutdoors.blogOmega Outdoors is an outdoor and hunting blog. I write about multiple topics in the outdoor realm but mostly whitetail hunting.I try to answer as many hunting questions as possible, and teach every reader something new.
Tom Blake Media Incthisonlineworld.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Ke Shen¡Hola! Soy Coco y esta es mi página web de recetas y comida asiática. ¡Me encanta cocinar y todavía más comer cosas ricas!
Karmen Rozsajournalstogive.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Lucia Peterstheghostinmymachine.comThe Ghost In My Machine is an internet campfire of sorts; gather round, because it wants to tell you strange stories, take you on haunted road trips, and make you jump at unexpected noises.
Amichay Shemeshcorriecooks.comI'm Corrie, and I have a deep love for all things food. If you're looking for some quick and easy recipes, you've come to the right place!
Live Like You Are Rich LLClivelikeyouarerich.comon any income
Boulder Locavore LLCboulderlocavore.comFind hundreds of EASY RECIPES packed with big flavor. Professionally tested recipes with both gluten-free and conventional ingredients.
Evgeniya Rudenkotriptomotherhood.comTips for mothers 🙂
Timber Creek Farm Enterprisestimbercreekfarmer.comSmall Scale Farming
Homestead Lady Productions, llchomesteadlady.comBuilding our self-sufficient lifestyle one level at a time.
Growing Your Babygrowingyourbaby.comAll things parenthood and family - news, travel, gear, toys, and celebrities!
Aicha Merouani100krecipes.comNo description available.
Bon pour toi Inc.bonpourtoi.caCuisine des recettes simples et faciles grâce à Bon pour toi. Apprends des techniques de la cuisine avec des articles et astuces culinaires.
Teaspoon Communicationsteaspoonofspice.comNo description available.
Divine Brands KFT.diyncrafts.comThe best DIY projects and crafts are posted daily on various topics like home decorating, organizing, woodworking, and lots of life hacks!
Helena Elmbaraenkakatill.seNo description available.
Brooke Homecthesaltedsweets.comSimple, yet delicious recipes, good chopped chocolate and a sprinkle of salt. We hope to inspire some of that same magic in YOUR home.
The Sensory Spectrum LLCmommyevolution.comNo description available.
Julia's Simply Southernjuliassimplysouthern.comPopular Recipes at Julia's Simply Southern food blog where you'll find tried and true simple recipes that are easy to make.
Staci Samuelsachickandhergarden.comNo description available.
Mitch Durfeemamabearscookbook.comEmbrace your inner chef with Mama Bear's Cookbook. Explore a treasure trove of mouthwatering family friendly low carb meals. Start cooking today!
Friday Night Wivesfridaynightwives.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Jeffery Poorrethinknow.orgFeatured
Catherine Griffingwestmagnoliacharm.comWest Magnolia Charm serves as your go-to source for expert advice on selecting paint colors, enhancing home decor, & engaging in DIY projects
TwoSleevers LLCtwosleevers.comHundreds of keto low-carb appetizers, soups, and dinner recipes that are easy, and tasty. From Stovetop, Air Fryer and Instant Pot, these recipes are fast, varied and most importantly, delicious.
Learning And Yearninglearningandyearning.comLearning And Yearning is your source for DIY information in the area of natural living. Learn how to garden organically, to forage for wild food and home remedies, to make soap and natural skincare products, and to create real food recipes.
Jeff Duttonduttonlaw.caOntario Employment Law Blog
Inspired Lifestyle Bloginspiredlifestyleblog.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Coleen Hilltheredheadbaker.comA variety of recipes for cooks of any skill level, because I share the "why" behind the "how." Desserts, entrees, bread and more—you'll find it here.
Abbi Kirsten Collectionsabbikirstencollections.comAt Abbi Kirsten Collection you will find endless DIY paper flower tutorials, Cricut projects for beginners, and colorful freebies to enjoy!
Rafael Tikvaamenvamen.comAmen V Amen brings you the perfect combination of our wonderful jewish culture: inspiration, guides, gifts, books, recipes & more - Your source for Formula 1, MotoGP, Rally, Single Seaters, Sports Cars and all other forms of racing around the world.
Kimberly Petruska rendezvousmag.comRendezvous Magazine, Inspiring Meaningful Connections & Personal success. Relationships, Date Ideas,Quotes & Questions
Mary Food is a family affair!
Brandi Rileymamaknowsitall.comHealth and wellness for moms and girls
Nubeleasenubelease.comNubelease is all about new beauty products, tips and tricks, beauty reviews, and beauty news.
Guidestar Group, Inc.femmefitalefitclub.comA fitness lifestyle blog inspiring women to live healthy and fit lifestyles
Melanie Bauermelaniemakes.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Donna Garrisonpackedforlife.comFamily travel destinations, itineraries, travel planning tips & resources to help your family explore your world at home and abroad, no matter your budget.
Joyce Marreromystayathomeadventures.comNo description available.
Alpana Beisergypsyplate.comA food blog celebrating cuisines from around the world. Mostly easy recipes to expand your cooking repertoire.
Miranda Hassenmarketwithmiranda.comNeed a tech virtual assistant for creative entrepreneurs? Learn more about Market with Miranda, your supportive business VA!
Christina Jolamweekdaypescatarian.comHundreds of seafood recipes and the easy, step-by-step instructions you need to feel confident cooking fish in your own kitchen.
Boyd Creative Singapore Pte Ltdfinty.comCompare a range of financial products for consumers and businesses. Easy to use and free.
MJ's Off The Hook Designs Inc.mjsoffthehookdesigns.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Marisa Barnardmindfullyglam.comBy Marisa Barnard
Wanderlust Storytellerswanderluststorytellers.comLet's make your family trip as stress-free as possible. Our family travel blog posts will show you how to enjoy your next family holiday.
Giftlabgiftlab.coFailed to fetch meta description.
Claire Capelmesproduitsmaison.shopNo description available.
Polished dc llchealthyhappylife.comvegan recipes and life stories with cookbook author Kathy Patalsky. Photos, inspiration and fun with a happy, positive vibe.
5 Minute Body Pty Ltd5minutebody.comNo description available.
Keri Hixcookthisagainmom.comBrowse hundreds of delicious easy-to-make recipes the whole family will love! With basic ingredients and step-by-step instructions recipes come out perfectly every time. Welcome!
Knoxville Momsknoxvillemoms.comKnoxville Moms is the #1 parenting resource since 2013 for Knoxville and East Tennessee families with local guides, events, and activities.
Martyna Kolebuklittlebabygear.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Ausra Osipaviciutetheroadreel.comA guide to off beaten path destinations and travel photography tips. Get inspired to explore more and learn how to take striking imagery during you trips.
Spy Mediaspymedia.nlFailed to fetch meta description.
ALVIRAL DOOpupvine.comDon’t worry. You’ve come to the right place. Bark twice if you’re glad you’re here! It’s the language we understand.
Modern Teenmodernteen.coWelcome to Modern Teen, a blog focused on helping modern teens, college students, and young adults be the best version of themselves possible!
Kirsten Simonkirstenmsimon.comNo description available.
FelizPreneur LLC (ParaidsePraises)paradisepraises.comKatie Hornor helps entrepreneurs live their purpose boldly through work that is in service of their life and calling, without compromising faith, family or values.
Christina Serranochrissymarieblog.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Fresh Focus LLCmyplantbasedfamily.comMy Plant-Based Family helps families adopt a whole food, plant-based vegan diet that is oil-free and budget friendly.
Ipsa Faujdarmydaintykitchen.comDelicious plant-based vegan recipes that are easy, quick, and healthy too. Get easy yummy instant pot recipes and air fryer recipes.
Bicycle Universe LLCcatwiki.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Heather Hartrelentlessforwardcommotion.comNo description available.
Kinda Healthy Media, LLC masonfit.comKinda Healthy Recipes is a food blog for fitness enthusiasts and calorie conscious eaters created by Mason Woodruff.
John Siffermanphysicalliving.comGET MOVING. GET FIT. AND GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE. – Science-backed training to build a strong, capable body that lasts – without hurting yourself.
Univerbalearthlymission.comNo description available.
Get Your Holiday On LLCgetyourholidayon.comLet us help you make your next party more fun with our holiday content, party games, prizes, recipes, and more!
PlusMinus Media Group Ltdalajode.comWelcome to Alajode, a responsible travel blog covering ecotourism, immersive travel and the most unique experiences around the world.
Dating App Worlddatingappworld.comWhether you're new to dating apps or single for years, we help people who are single feel empowered about overcoming swipe fatigue, and help create authentic,
Pioneering Today LLCmelissaknorris.comLearn simple modern homesteading for a healthier & self-sufficient life with 5th generation Homesteader and author Melissa K. Norris.
upbeetandkaleingit, ltd.upbeetandkaleingitblog.comNo description available.
Twenty Twenty Digital Pty to fetch meta description.
Simplified Enterprises, Inc.gracefilledplate.comNo description available.
FrenzyHub Lifestyle Ltdfrenzhub.comWelcome to Frenz Hub — your ultimate destination for all things home improvement. Our platform is dedicated exclusively to helping you enhance your living
George Ihugoarmyprt.comArmy PRT Regulations outline the Guidelines & Requirements for conducting Physical Readiness Training for soldiers and commanders.
Deborah Sommerlotsalvagesisterandmister.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Widecast Marketing, Incwidecastmarketing.comNo description available.
Doroteja Kardumcrobypatterns.comCrochet Patterns and more ...
Fluent in 3 Monthsfluentin3months.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Moms & Crafters LLCmomsandcrafters.comNo description available.
byDezebydeze.comA lifestyle blog about navigating marriage, TTC, wellness and life's many transitions with grace.
TLC Interiors & Styling Pty to fetch meta description.
Garvin Enterprises, Inc.syrupandbiscuits.comSyrup and Biscuits champions Southern food, cherished recipes, and all things Southern.
MediaPeanutmediapeanut.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Ina Wrobelcraftyforhome.comA lifestyle blog covers sewing tutorials, seasonal DIY projects, dairy-free recipes, and gardening projects.
Creative Quarterbackhorserookie.comWe help equestrians of all levels answer common questions, make informed decisions, and have more fun with their horses. Knowledge is horsepower!
From Scratch Farmstead LLCfromscratchfarmstead.comSimple homesteading on a budget. Learn alongside us as we grow, preserve, cook, and feed our family year-round on our 5 acres!
Venecia Raehiphoorae.comHip Hoo-Rae | Let's Create a Beautiful Balanced Life with Crafts, Baking, Entertaining and Home Décor