Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Joanna Whitesnarklesauce.comNo description available.
Rich And Delishrichanddelish.comNo description available.
Anjali Lalani, Inc.vegetariangastronomy.comLearn to embrace the vegan lifestyle with plant-based recipes that make your family healthier and happy. Join me on my culinary adventure as I paint delicious food with a green palate!
Modern Meal Makeover L.L.C.modernmealmakeover.comA family food blog with hundreds of easy recipes that your family will love. Find easy step-by-step cooking & baking instructions for all our meals.
Kermilia Whitethemillennialsahm.comThe Millennial Stay-At-Home Mom encourages moms that no matter what season of life they find themselves in, there is purpose in every season.
Home Vacuum Zonehomevacuumzone.comNo description available.
Sagio Development LLCstable-diffusion-art.comStable Diffusion is a free AI model that turns text into images. This site offers easy-to-follow tutorials, workflows and structured courses to teach you everything you need to know about Stable Diffusion.
Lauren Glucinaascensionkitchen.comđŸ„­ A natural health blog sharing hundreds of plant-based recipes, sound nutrition advice and home remedies, with Naturopath Lauren Glucina.
Inquiring Chef LLCinquiringchef.comRecipe and resource destination for curious home cooks. With thousands of approachable, healthyish recipes.
Purely Kayliepurelykaylie.comSimple & Delicious Plant-Based Recipes
Lettering Dailylettering-daily.comLettering Daily is an online community providing educational and inspirational content on hand lettering and calligraphy. Learn hand lettering and calligraphy online.
Nimble Madenimble-made.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Coralie Serightlovebugsandpostcards.comLovebugs and Postcards brings you the latest of crafts, DIY Projects, Recipes, Home and Family, Health & Beauty, Fashion, Travel, and more!
Exquisitely Unremarkableexquisitelyunremarkable.comNo description available.
Julie Jacksondiydarlin.coNo description available.
Jennifer Aspinwallworldonawhim.comMeet Jennifer New Here? Travel Resources STAY UP TO DATE WITH ALL THE LATEST ! ! Subscribe Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Fe ...
Zen and Zaatar LLCzenandzaatar.comFind nourishing, Mediterranean vegan recipes that everyone loves. Discover irresistible plant-based recipes, with a focus on multicultural & Arabic vegan food.
Danielle Breinerdanishealthyeats.comNo description available.
Indescribably, LLCsoutherneatsandgoodies.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Made From Pinterest, LLCthisgrandmaisfun.comPutting a new face on Grandparenting
Faith Filled Food for Momsfaithfilledfoodformoms.comFaith Filled Food for Moms - Easy budget recipes, Biblical Self Care, Homemaking Home Management, Scripture Printables for Faith & Family
Sinergia Digital SRLuvhero.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Mauds Medialeukmetkids.nlNieuwe blogs Leuk met kids
Jennifer Dombrowskiluxeadventuretraveler.comAdventure travel with a glass of wine! Luxe Adventure Traveler is all about heart pumping adventures, world class accommodations and luxury experiences.
Jamie Harmonasformeandmyhomestead.comHomesteading, Homeschooling & Homemaking
Melissa Belangersimplywhisked.comDairy free recipes created with simple ingredients. Browse hundreds of easy recipes designed to help you live a satisfying life without milk.
Four Dimes Ltdentrecourier.comEntreCourier exists to help gig economy contractors understand they are operating a business and equip them with tools and knowledge to do so.
Hannah Ackroydgetlost.blogNo description available.
Santhana Souksamranewww.theluxestrategist.comPersonal finance for people who like nice things. Based in New York City.
Tessa Smith mamasgeeky.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Doughroller Media LLCdoughroller.netA personal finance site aimed at helping people achieve financial freedom by making smart decisions with their money.
Alana Lieberman, LLCyourhomemadehealthy.comHere you'll find family friendly, easy recipes that everyone will love! Each recipe includes delicious ingredients and a healthier twist.
Abdulai Abarikasoftwareaccountant.comBest Software Advice and Tutorials
Reenaction Pty, dads, grandparents - discover family friendly Newcastle, Lake Macquarie & Hunter Valley! Find fun activities, playgrounds, pools, beaches & more to enjoy with baby & kids.
Emma Duckworth Bakesemmaduckworthbakes.comFind a variety of classic sweet treats and dessert recipes, inspired by seasonal ingredients for the home baker to enjoy.
The Frugal Expatthefrugalexpat.comNo description available.
Ben Kepkaflyfisherpro.comThe Complete Guide to Fly Fishing Success!
Cake Art Studio, LLCbaking-sense.comLearn the art and science of baking. With a little guidance and a good recipe, anyone can bake from scratch. 
Story Natureworld-of-waterfalls.comWorld of Waterfalls is where we share our personal experiences with each waterfall we visit. Explore our website, visit waterfalls, and experience the world
Leona Bowmanwandermustfamily.comFearless Family Travellers!
Savita Vermachefdehome.comA food blog with hundreds of easy, bold-flavor, and healthy recipes with step by step photos, videos, and weeknight meal ideas.
Gemma Aguayo-Murphyeverydaylatina.comTraditional Mexican cuisine with a focus on fresh, wholesome, and natural ingredients with great recipes for the whole family to enjoy.
Laura Franklinfoodfunfamily.comFailed to fetch meta description.
SD Media Limitedpenniesforthepiggybank.comFor the piggy bank
Peculiar Green Rose LLCthepeculiargreenrose.comNo description available.
Lisa ODriscollfunmoneymom.comWant easy weeknight recipes, holiday ideas, crafts, printables and even travel tips? Fun Money Mom has all that and more!
Rosanna Stevensrosannaetc.comDinner party recipes and hosting tips for those who love to entertain in style. By trained chef Rosanna Stevens.
Nicole Brananthespicetrain.comFind great recipes that put the spices in your pantry to good use. From dry rubs and seasonings to main courses, spiced desserts and more!
Alexandru Siminitchigocookyummy.comWe share easy recipes made from scratch made from minimal ingredients. Simple recipes that everyone can make at home without any effort!
Voula Tsoutispastrywishes.comI share a variety of dessert recipes made from scratch, including traditional Greek desserts that have been in my family for generations! healthy Thermomix recipes and best selling cookbooks by Skinnymixers. Enjoy our range of free, delicious recipes are suited for every taste and dietary need.
Laura Andriessenfreebiemom.comGet free samples, coupons, and deals on Freebie Mom. Discover the latest freebies, sweepstakes, and giveaways from top brands. Join our community of savvy savers and start saving today!
Forest City Media LLCtattify.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Lemon Grove Lanelemongrovelane.comAll Posts What I'm Loving Lately Latest Finds Shop all
Plant Based And Brokeplantbasedandbroke.comWelcome to Plant Based And Broke, your #1 place for affordable, accessible, plant-based recipes. Find a new favorite today!
dirndl kitchendirndlkitchen.comHallo to the dirndl kitchen German food blog! Click for German Recipes inspired by my Oma Sieghilde and my German upbringing.
QA Virgoqa-virgoFailed to fetch meta description.
I Wash You Dry, Inc.iwashyoudry.comWelcome to I Wash You Dry. I'm Shawn, mother of 5 kids and lover of all things delicious. Serving up quick and easy recipes.
William Shawgolfinsideruk.comWelcome to Golf Insider - the home of golf performance. We offer the latest golf coaching, performance and equipment...
Sarah Criddlemrscriddleskitchen.comNo description available.
Daniela Heinrichglobetrottergirls.comOne Globe. No Regrets.
Eat Well with Lexeatwellwithlex.comEat Well with Lex is a holistic lifestyle and black food blogger. Check out Lexi's blog for the latest healthy recipes, and lifestyle tips on home, motherhood, and wellness.
Ohio Tropics, LLCohiotropics.comYour houseplant care resource! Check out my award winning houseplant blog, eBooks, plant product recommendations, botanical tee shirt and tote line, and more!
Kathleen Rodgersoakhillhomestead.comNo description available.
Kate Fairliepicklebums.comPicklebums has lots of fun and easy activities for kids aged 2-10, and lots of printables, tips and tricks, to make life easier and more fun for everyone!
Global Authority LLCfelineliving.netFailed to fetch meta description.
Savory Thoughts LLCsavorythoughts.comSavory Thoughts is the home to succulent Haitian recipes and international dishes from other parts of the world.
Sara McClearybellyrumbles.comBelly Rumbles is a culinary travel blog for foodies that love to travel. With wonderful recipes for you to also travel via your tastebuds.
MuggleNetmugglenet.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Everyday Old House LLCeverydayoldhouse.comApplying skills from 20+ years in safety, environmental and risk management industries to conquer homeownership at Everyday Old House!
Adrian Pongparentsneed.comParentsNeed | One Stop Site For All Your Parenting Needs With A Mission To Shift Focus Back To Parents. Mom, Beauty, Baby, Reviews, Kids, Teens & Parenting.
Mommy Can't Afford Thatmommycantaffordthat.comNo description available.
Brahim RAHOUTIcheekykitchen.comEasy. Simple. Delicious.
Amanda Fettigdwellinginhappiness.comDEWATOGEL adalah situs bandar Toto Hongkong yang menjadikan kemenangan Anda prioritas utama! Dengan sistem pembayaran instan, Anda tak perlu menunggu lama untuk menikmati hasil kemenangan mainkan pasaran Togel Hongkong terlengkap
Clarissa Laskeypassportsandparenting.comParenting Travel Guide At Ease!
morning motivated mommorningmotivatedmom.comPlan your days, use your resources wisely, focus on your priorities, take care of yourself, manage and save money, and create a peaceful home
all without overwhelm. Live a life that aligns with your values and priorities
a life that is not wasted on the things that don’t truly matter to you.
Alice Krek s.p.sugarsalted.comSugarsalted is a website for home cooks created by Alice Krek, with a focus on approachable recipes and seasonal cooking.
HomeStudioBasicshomestudiobasics.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Sonal Kwatra Paladinidrifterplanet.comHighly detailed travel guides, itineraries, and road trip route with a focus on viewpoints & food. POV: Indian Yoga teacher living in Germany.
Free Range Mediasuspension-traveler.comShop our MTB trail prints or get the latest news, beginner tutorials, gear guides, travel tips, and videos from the best riding spots in Europe.
La Confession du Gourmetlaconfessiondugourmet.comBlog québécois francophone éducatif et de recettes keto et / ou paléo. Manger sainement, sans gluten, sans lactose et faible en sucre.
Helen Goldreinfamily-friends-food.comNo description available.
The IBS & Gut Health back control of your gut health with the IBS & Gut Health specialists. Cheshire, London and Online. Start today with a free consultation today.
The Carrot Undergroundthecarrotunderground.comWelcome to The Carrot UndergroundđŸ„•your place for delicious vegan recipes, ideas & inspiration for enjoying the goodness of vegan living.
Balme Enterprises Green Pods - Billions of coffee pods end up in landfill every single year. We offer reusable coffee pods for all leading brand capsule coffee machines.
Urban Garden Galurbangardengal.comUrban Garden Gal specializes in gardening ideas for small spaces including balconies, courtyards, patios and indoor gardening.
Jacquelyn Giardinalivingaftermidnite.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Pamela Dajczaksincerelypam.comModern Designs, Wearable Garments, Beautifully Executed
Sea Raven Media LLCmorethanjustparks.comExplore the National Parks like never before through More Than Just Parks stunning films, imagery, & in-depth national park guides. Plan your adventure now!
Graciously Nourishedgraciouslynourished.comSimple everyday recipes and balanced nutrition tips and resources created and approved by Kelsey Kunik, RDN a registered dietitian.
Aubrey Swan Blogaubreyswanblog.comHome Decor on a Budget
Angell Cheestrengthisfirst.comstrengthisfirst_part2
The BBQ Buddhathebbqbuddha.comFind easy bbq recipes that not only produce great dishes, but teach you how to grill or smoke with confidence. Learn to master the fundamentals so you can grill well in any environment.
Rochelle Greayer - PITH + VIGORpithandvigor.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Vijaykumar Shindetheminimalistvegan.comThe Minimalist Vegan publishes in-depth guides exploring what it means to live with less stuff and more compassion.
JavaPresse Coffee Companyjavapresse.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Travel Mamastravelmamas.comNo description available.
Eli Laskaspiritualinsights.infoUnderstanding the Spiritual Realm Through Intuition
Mom of 3, LLCmamasorganizedchaos.comWelcome to Mama's Organized Chaos! You'll find information on baby sleep, baby schedules, potty training, discipline and more! Using the eat, wake sleep cycle and wake time charts, you'll have your baby sleeping well soon!
Savor With Jennifersavorwithjennifer.comCreate. Explore. Experience. Savor. Join me in my Gourmet Food Journey.