Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Erin Staplessixthbloom.comNo description available.
Map of Joymapofjoy.nlNo description available.
Alexandra Brichards LLCeyeloveknots.comNo description available.
CLTL Media GmbHzitronenbande.deEntdecke zahlreiche Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Fabeln und Märchen. Mit Liebe und Fantasie geschrieben - ideal für ein schönes Einschlafritual.
Rocking Horse Travel,"Discover the best-kept secrets of San Francisco tourism! A local's guide to San Francisco attractions and San Francisco tourism information.
DCS3 LLCshanedutka.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Muhammad Asadgardeningbrain.comNo description available.
Artur Klotchenkomyintelligenthouse.comNo description available.
Jerrold Kris Longwellhowtofeedaloon.comLearn to make hundreds of delicious recipes many with step-by-step photos or video tutorials! Taste the difference in cooking with fresh high-quality ingredients and have fun doing it!
Destination Uroad2college.comRoad2College provides tools, articles and services to help you find the right college at the right price. Get help with admissions, scholarships, and more.
Elena Schiavonimpulsemag.itScopri tutti gli ultimi trends su Impulse, il fashion blog di beauty, tendenze, moda e lifestyle al femminile di Elena Schiavon.
Samantha Grossthereshegoesagain.orgFailed to fetch meta description.
Off-Roading Prooffroadingpro.comOff-Roading Pro is your go-to resource for off-roading content. We provide helpful guides on ATVs, dirt bikes, Jeeps, trails, and more.
zenbellyzenbelly.comNo description available.
Cooks with Soul LLCcookswithsoul.comA collection of the best soul food recipes, Creole and Cajun recipes, smoker recipes, comfort food, and down home Southern cooking.
Daily Dog Stuffdailydogstuff.coma practical resource for training, caring and feeding dogs of all stages
Olubunmi Mabelolubunmimabel.comLive and Love....
Pink Pangea LLCpinkpangea.comPink Pangea is the community of women who love to travel. It’s the place where you can get authentic travel information from women just like you.
Bridget Edwardsbakeat350.netNo description available.
Ben Isham Smith LTDtheeatdown.comFailed to fetch meta description.
STEM Education Guidestemeducationguide.comMore
Cartagena Explorercartagenaexplorer.comA travel guide and blog site devoted to Cartagena, Colombia and other destinations in Colombia written by someone who lived there for a decade.
Carri Corbettpopculturewonders.comBring home the magic of Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, and Pixar.
Annie Holmesmaebells.comNo description available.
Janja Pazinthepeasantsdaughter.netLearn to embrace a simpler, more purposeful life with real-food recipes, natural gardening, small livestock care, and homemaking guides to keep you sane and on track. You can do it, we can help!
Jinnymamallove.comWe believe in easy access to things that are good for our mind, body and spirit. With a clever offering, superb support and a secure checkout you're in good
Cooking with Curlscookingwithcurls.comSimple healthy recipes to share with family and friends. From delicious whole30 or comfort food dinner ideas, to appetizers & cocktails.
The Craft Patch LLCthecraftpatchblog.comCrafts, Home Decor, DIY's and Recipes
Praveena Emanivegcookbook.netHealthy Vegetarian & Vegan Indian Recipes
Family Food on the Tablefamilyfoodonthetable.comNo description available.
Epic Saw Guyepicsawguy.comHandy Keen is a source of information about DIY project ideas, woodworking, home improvement and hand & power tools
Ruth Rackleybyoilydesign.comShowing you how to use Essential Oils
Jumpara Incizzycooking.comNo description available.
The Court Jewellerthecourtjeweller.comSparkling Royal Jewels From Around the World
Handle the Heathandletheheat.comHandle the Heat shares trusted dessert recipes your friends will LOVE, alongside insights into the simple science of baking.
Living to Travel LLCtreasuredfamilytravels.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Deepak Rathoremunchkinsplanet.comElevate Your Lifestyle with Munchkins Planet: Dive into Home Decor, Gardening Bliss, Mouthwatering Recipes, and Exciting DIY Crafts!
Margarita Steinhardt thewildlifediaries.comA wildlife travel blog filled with detailed wildlife-watching destination guides, images, itineraries, and reviews of ecolodges and wildlife tours.
EnglandExploreenglandexplore.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Jessica Wangelinwww.decoradventures.comHome Decor, DIY, Interior Design, Crafts, Home Renovation, Furniture Makeovers and more.
Christina Stosekonlyglutenfreerecipes.comEasy Gluten-Free Recipes, from breakfast ideas to pasta dishes, quick dinners, hearty casseroles, bread recipes, indulgent desserts, and tips
Moss Digital Publishingmossdigitalpublishing.comNo description available.
Jessica Andersoncutesycrafts.comHand embroidery designs, craft ideas, and more!
Amanda Dittmandashofmandi.comMandi's Food Blog
Amanda Robersonmommasociety.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Red Giant Media LLCwe3travel.comWe3Travel is an award-winning culture, food, and adventure travel blog offering destination guides, itineraries, and family travel tips.
Op reis met Coopreismetco.nlGa je mee op avontuur? Ga op reis met Co en ontdek de mooiste plekken ter wereld voor een avontuurlijke roadtrip, een mooie wandeling of gezellige citytrip.
MegaInterviewmegainterview.comTips to nail your job interview. Expert tips, Interview questions & winning answers. Get interview Preparation resources, cover letters, and resumes.
James Uptondiytileguy.comDIYTileGuy | a tile installation blog for the do-it-yourselfer looking for how-to information on installing tile in showers, floors, bathrooms
Jennifer Kossowanmamapapabubba.comNo description available.
Sarah Whiteplanninginspired.comNo description available.
Alexandra Transchimiggy.comHello, my name is Alex and Schimiggy is my lifestyle blog. I’m a Seattle based blogger and content creator with a love for travel and fashion.
Living On The Cheap Inc.livingonthecheap.comNo description available.
WRY TOAST LLCwww.wrytoasteats.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Courtney Whitmorepizzazzerie.comBest-selling cookbook author Courtney Whitmore shares entertaining tips, party recipes and holiday party ideas daily on Pizzazzerie!
Pamela Ann Listmommacan.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Carrie's Experimental Kitchencarriesexperimentalkitchen.comCreating quick and easy family friendly meals.
ROSIER LLCvictoriamedia.comNo description available.
Daniela Sunde-Brownoladaniela.comOlá Daniela is a love letter to Portugal. Expect helpful guides to Portugal including road trips, city guides, food articles and favourite finds. I'm obsessed with tiles or azulejos, artisans and chefs.
Annie Charles Bretonbyacb4you.comSur mon blog je partage avec vous mes recettes de cuisine, mes astuces, mes découvertes et mes voyages avec gourmandise et mon appareil photo à portée de main.
Home Cook Basics LLChomecookbasics.comLearn how to cook. We cover classic cooking recipes, techniques, and skills for the home cook.
Thibault Baheux EIreussirsesprojets.comGrâce à mon guide téléchargeable gratuitement, vous pourrez vous aussi transformer vos projets en succès.
Maune Legacy, Inc.jennifermaune.comNo description available.
Savvy Mama Media, LLCtechsavvymama.comNo description available.
Jhanelle Goldingfromthecomfortofmybowl.comFrom The Comfort Of My Bowl is a vegan food blog that shares easy comfort food and dessert recipes. Find classic vegan recipes and childhood favorites suitable for everyone.
Lindsay Nieminencarpediemourway.comNo description available.
Michael Turtle Media Pty Ltdtimetravelturtle.comTime Travel Turtle is a travel blog by journalist Michael Turtle that explores the culture, history and people of the world.
Charles Hoangreddiamondaudio.netNo description available.
The Olive Bloggertheoliveblogger.comEveryday recipes and meal ideas that your family will love
Holly Homer Enterprises, LLCkidsactivitiesblog.comKids Activities Welcome to Kids Activities! My name is Holly Homer & I am the Dallas mom of three boys… Read More About Me The Big Book of Kids
Shoaib Akramnextbiography.comRead biography story exclusive Interview of successful famous people. Find out Entrepreneur Author Writer Celebrities model story & financial status.
Alisa Nicaudflourishingtoday.comReady to flourish in your faith? Flourishing Today exists to help women flourish in faith & overcome in life through the power of God's Word.
Spot Media Communicationsmythirtyspot.comWhen Girl Meets 30
Botanical Institute LLCbotanicalinstitute.orgFailed to fetch meta description.
Steven Kreimendahltraveltoblank.comTravel to Blank travel blog by globe trotting Steven and Jaz, the romantic couple covering luxurious getaways, pet-friendly adventures and walking guides.
Life is but a Dishlifeisbutadish.comEasy, approachable recipes for the everyday home cook
CreativeFashionBlog.comcreativefashionblog.comDIYs & Helpful Resources
Blogging Perspectivebloggingperspective.comNo description available.
Healthyish Foods healthyishfoods.comBrowse hundreds of simple recipes that are "sometimes" healthy but 100% delicious! With detailed step by step instructions and expert tips, every recipe is within your reach.
Weed 'em & Reap, LLCweedemandreap.comNo description available.
Danelle Harveydebanddanelle.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Wayne Kask alwaysontheshore.comNo description available.
The Anthony Kitchen, LLC.theanthonykitchen.comNo description available.
Ana Marie Begicspoonfulofkindness.comQuick and easy, extra flavourful, plant-based recipes celebrating a lifestyle that is kind to our bodies, kind to the animals and kind to our planet.
Robin Welchflusterbuster.comSolving Everyday Frustrations
heather kirbyawickedwhisk.comEasy delicious recipes for everyday life. Browse hundreds of 30-minute meals and comfort food recipe favorites that will leave your family screaming for seconds!
My Mountains and Memymountainsandme.comNo description available.
Shreya's Kitchenshreyaskitchen.comWelcome to Shreya’s Kitchen! Here, I whip up delicious vegetarian dishes that are both indulgent and healthy.
My Love 2 Createmylove2create.comYour Journey to Joyful DIY Projects and Creative Living. I have a passion for creating and I have so much fun sharing projects on this blog.
LEJC Digital Ltdpestsbanned.comWhether it's aphids and ants or cats and squirrels, we'll provide tips and advice for getting rid of common pests in your garden.
Iva Ursanowomenblazingtrails.comWomen blazing trails is a site for women over 50 who are ready to take bold action to make the rest of their life, the best of their life.
SAS Marketing & Consulting100things2do.caNo description available.
DeepSeaGem Technologies Indiapiunikaweb.comPiunikaWeb is a website exclusively focused on Google Pixel. We publish the latest news, how-tos, deals, opinions, etc, on the Pixel ecosystem.
Sheryl Freywww.breastfeeding-magazine.comFind tips, hip nursing clothes, and lactation support in our online breastfeeding magazine to help you learn how to breastfeed and become a confident nursing mom.
Benjamin J Myhreramshacklepantry.comThe most decadent classics & the history behind them! We explore recipes, the history behind them, & find ways to make the recipes our own!
A Ray of Sunlight LLCarayofsunlight.comGet inspired with amazing painting furniture tips and painted furniture ideas from A Ray of Sunlight. Natalie shares the secrets to painting your furniture!
Healthy Focus, LLChealthyfocus.orgA Focus on your Health
Adam Smithbirdsadvice.comWelcome To The Beautiful World Of Birds
Diane Foster-Schmidtcreatedby-diane.comPASTA sauces scones soup SIDE DISHES RECIPE INDEX Latest Recipes Chicken Noodle Soup Sausage Peppers and Onions Pasta Greek Charcuterie Board Easy No Bake Desserts Chocolate and Dried Fruit Chocolate Butter Cookies Orange Cardamom Cookies Cranberry Pistachio Cookies find more RECIPES Hi, I'm Diane Welcome to my food blog! Join me on my tasty journey.
Intentional Hospitalityintentionalhospitality.comEasy Entertaining Recipes & Party Ideas