Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Gastroplantgastroplant.comEclectic, Bold Plant-Based Cooking
Amber Wellstechswift.orgNo description available.
Simcha Fishersimchafisher.comNo description available.
Cynthia Christensenbutfirstwebrunch.comBrowse dozens of incredible recipes - from pancakes and waffles to biscuits and bundt cakes, you'll find a new recipe for breakfast, brunch, and more that your family will love. Just be sure to make enough for seconds!
MMFSmakemoneyforsure.comoldFailed to fetch meta description.
bitTyranttyrantfarms.comHow-to and DIY website devoted to organic gardening, foraging plants & mushrooms, cooking, and raising waterfowl (ducks & geese).
Shoestring Babyshoestringbaby.comBringing you well-researched articles based on real life experience.Making parents’ lives easier and thriftier.
Larissa Pickensdapperconfidential.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Amrit Kishor Prabhulearnbyexample.orgFailed to fetch meta description.
Miaouw OÜosmoz.comTalk about your favourite perfumes, hunt down your next fragrance and win numerous gifts on OSMOZ!
HanJan Crochet Ltdhanjancrochet.comJoin HanJan Crochet to learn how to crochet with modern free crochet patterns, tutorials and articles.
Carolann Iadarolasassytownhouseliving.comSassy Townhouse Living is a lifestyle company devoted to sharing the best of everything we know and love with you.
Calvin Rossercalvinrosser.comCalvin Rosser is a writer, podcaster, & startup operator on a mission to empower 10 million people to live a more fulfilling life.
Leite's Culinarialeitesculinaria.comA cooking and food site from David Leite with tons of easy, rigorously tested, and trustworthy recipes, plus cooking tips, FAQs, articles, and giveaways.
Kandy Apple Mamastepmomming.comNormalizing and validating the stepmom experience, is your safe space for navigating blended family challenges. Access free tools now!
Kseniia Nelelectric-biking.comFind everything about Electric Bike Reviews & Buying Guides From The Experts. Learn more about e-bikes and choose the right one for you!
zecarzecar.comZecar - Helping make the switch to electric cars and clean energy EASY. Learn about EVs. Calculate the benefits. Connect with solutions: cars, chargers, energy plans and solar.
Fitness Drumfitnessdrum.comWe help coaches, businesses and everyday athletes make smarter decisions with data-backed insights into the latest fitness trends.
Peter Reynoldsstaffydog.comFind tips, nutrition and training advice for all types of Staffies, including Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Amstaffs and more.
Sokol Media Group Incsokolmediagroup.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Georgette Jupegirlinflorence.comA personal blog about life and people in Florence, Italy and Zug, Switzerland by Georgette Jupe. You'll also find plenty of handy tips.
Susan Courterwhatmeghanwore.netJanuary 2, 2025 Meghan Shares Exciting First Look at Her Netflix Lifestyle Series With Love, Meghan (UPDATED 1/6) What Meghan Wore The original What Meghan Markle Wore site chronicling the fashion, style and charities of The Duchess of Sussex
Jake Taylorpitchmarks.comAt Pitchmarks, we know golf. Our aim is to help golfers understand their game with simple, practical instructional articles & gear advice.
Black Girl Nerds LLCblackgirlnerds.comDiscover Black Girl Nerds for the latest in geek culture news and engaging content on Black feminism history. Stay informed on diverse perspectives and insightful stories.
Paulinus Joel Oluebubeevergrowingchristians.comChrist is our standard
Tips for Family Trips, LLCtipsforfamilytrips.comStart planning your dream trip today
Skyer Enterprises, LLCbackyardchickenproject.comWelcome to Backyard Chicken Project About Us We're so glad you're here! Backyard Chicken Project is a place for you to learn how to get back to the land with a flock of friendly chickens by your side! Read More Check out the Shop The shop is full of handmade ceramic chicken joy! I've been
Taygeta Digital
Phillip Clarkepwrdown.comNo description available.
Alicia Gilbertsoberish.coSoberish is dedicated to providing anyone seeking to quit drinking and change their life with the resources they need to be successful.
Christine Luzuriagasugarspiceslife.comRecipes to elevate your at home meals
Stacey Little Media, LLCsouthernbite.comSharing easy and affordable southern style family recipes . Learn to cook southern food without fancy ingredients or expensive kitchen gadgets.
Francesca Mcloughlinethicalunicorn.comsustainable living and social justice
Petrina Darrahpetrinadarrah.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Tiffany Welshwellfedbaker.comBeing gluten free doesn't mean you have to miss out on the good things in life. The recipes found here are comforting and decadent and even your gluten eating friends will love them!
Waystar Media Inc.anitashousekeeping.comGet booked with a screened, experienced, licensed, and local house cleaning providers near you. Anita's makes the experience of finding a house cleaner simple!
The Wooden Skillet, LLCthewoodenskillet.comThe Wooden Skillet - a delicious food blog that features simple, real food recipes for every day life! Approachable, healthy recipes!
Reliant Investments, Inc.hessunacademy.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Kylee Nelsonpassportsandpreemies.comPassports and Preemies is the go to guide for nurses and solo travelers looking for travel tips, resources, and inspiration!
Anastasia Anthonyindoorplantsforbeginners.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Gentleman Withingentlemanwithin.comA website dedicated to helping successful guys find their style, be more confident, and live their best life.
Moody Moonsmoodymoons.comMagickal Spot is a global media and service company, focusing on witchcraft, magick, spellcasting, divination, symbolism, and more.
Rolling Fox Ltdrollingfox.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Strategies for Parentsstrategiesforparents.comYour Dedication. Their Potential.
Jessica Drierunearththevoyage.comA travel blog designed to inspire your next trip. Featuring travel itineraries, travel advice, and responsible & sustainable travel tips.
Grace Rattuehealthywealthyvida.comYour Life, Your Health, Your Wealth
Mike Inghamhuehomelighting.comPhilips Hue Blog - Home lighting automation, Hue Blog, Hue apps & tips and guides with Philips LED Lights & Bulbs.
Julia Lojatheyummybowl.comWelcome to The Yummy Bowl – where healthier, made-from-scratch recipes meet the needs of busy lives! Here, you’ll find easy, wholesome meals designed to simplify your day without sacrificing flavor. Let’s make delicious, homemade cooking a breeze!
Penny Pincher Fashion, LLCpennypincherfashion.comYour source for style inspiration, capsule wardrobes, and affordable fashion finds.
Karalyn Hollandtastyeverafter.comFind tried and true whole food recipes for the everyday cook! Inspiring you to cook the best home cooked meals the quick and easy way.
Simply Scrumptioussimplyscrumptiouseats.comSimple, approachable recipes anyone can make! Easy meals and delicious desserts for busy families looking for easy, yummy recipes.
Florian Nouhcontentednesscooking.comDiscover delicious vegan recipes that are easy to make in simple steps. From basic sauces to comfort food, enjoy recipes for everyone.
Travelling Foodietravellingfoodie.netTravelling Foodie is your source for restaurants, travel guides & itineraries, recipes & products. One of the best Toronto travel & food blogs!
Darlene Longacreinternationalcuisine.comGet authentic and ancestral recipes from every country in the world, join my culinary and global travel adventure today!
Perfection Pending, LLCperfectionpending.netBy Meredith Ethington
Dreena Burtondreenaburton.comDreena Burton is a renowned and pioneering vegan cookbook author. Recipes are whole foods plant-based, trusted and delicious!
Elizabeth Smileycreateapeacefulhome.comFailed to fetch meta description.
What's Working Herewhatsworkinghere.comThe mission of What's Working Here is to make being the healthiest, happiest version of you simple by providing easy to follow meal plans & recipes.
Elementary Assessmentselementaryassessments.comWe help teachers work smarter. Resources to help you plan faster, tame your classroom, assess more accurately, and maximize student learning
The Big Outsidethebigoutside.comThe Big Outside has a simple mission: to offer stories, images, and expert trip-planning and gear advice about backpacking, hiking, and outdoor adventures.
Brittney Crosscookingwithkatiecross.comIf you are on the hunt for some easy to make but downright delicious Southern recipes then you are in the right place!
Veronika Primmtravelgeekery.comTravel Geekery travel blog is where you'll find useful travel tips and inspiration about Prague and Europe travel, as well as Southeast Asia. By Veronika
Pocket of Preschoolpocketofpreschool.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Margit Streifenederballoon-decoration-guide.comCreate your own balloon decorations with our easy-to-follow instructions. Plus: Resources for the Balloon Pro & those who want to start a balloon business.
Freedom Atlas LLC fourpillarfreedom.comNo description available.
Chloe Gunningwanderlustchloe.comWanderlust Chloe is a top UK travel blog for lovers of travel, food, luxury and more. Start planning your next travel adventure now.
Joyful Healthy Eats, LLCjoyfulhealthyeats.comSimple healthy recipes for your family. From delicious paleo or vegetarian dinner ideas, to kid-friendly meals & snack ideas. Over 1,000 recipes to try!
Orp Media Pty Ltdbackpacks.globalThere are many variations, features, and specifications that make the backpack the most versatile style of bag around. We help you find the best backpacks on the market.
Three Needles Consultantsthreeneedlesconsultants.comFailed to fetch meta description.
AVERAGEBEING PRIVATE LIMITEDaveragebeing.comAveragebeing: Where extraordinary interests meet everyday enthusiasts! We're your window into the worlds of celebrities, movies, series, comics, anime, K-pop, sports, technology, politics, crime, world news, and so much more. Join us on a journey that celebrates the extraordinary in the ordinary as we explore the rich tapestry of our diverse interests and passions. Dive into our diverse content and discover the extraordinary in every corner of your average day.
Brittany Thomaspistachioproject.comThe Pistachio Project is a journey of becoming green and crunchy (like a pistachio). It's about natural skincare, herbal remedies, real food, and more.
Robin Donovanallwaysdelicious.comAll Ways Delicious shares easy recipes for the best dishes from around the world, bringing all the flavors to your own home kitchen.
Shruti Pangteyindiangirling.comIndianGirling is the ultimate online resource helping shape the ambitious, spiritual woman to experience a holistic life.
Dessert Now Dinner Later, LLCdessertnowdinnerlater.comDiscover the best cookies, cakes, & dessert recipes plus easy dinners too!
J.Meyering Creative LLCjennifermeyering.comWife, Mom, Blogger, and Food Photographer. Blogging about tasty recipes, travel destinations, restaurant eats, and life as a doctor's wife.
Blue Indian Media Workplace Safety Advice
HJG Communications, LLCholleygrainger.comNo description available.
Amanda Hearntheecofriendlyfamily.comNo description available.
Wood and Spoon, LLCthewoodandspoon.comNo description available.
Mrs. Wills Kindergartenmrswillskindergarten.comNo description available.
GeekDad LLCgeekmom.comHome
A Nerd Cooksanerdcooks.comBrowse dozens of delicious and impressive, yet totally approachable, drink recipes that can be made right in your own kitchen. From cocktails and mocktails, to garnishes and coffee drinks, we got you covered!
Fritz Cherybiblereasons.comBible verses for any topic! Christian questions answered! Bible verse of the day! Help with God, Christianity, Jesus, faith, and Biblical quotes!
Kaya Brandingkayabranding.coNo description available.
5 Dinners 1 Hour LLC5dinners1hour.comMembership options: Become a Member “You have made my busy life so much more efficient. Spent most of the day at a family reunion then came home and in
Catherine Zhangzhangcatherine.comDessert recipes with tips to help you achieve your baking dreams. Whether they be fancy desserts or easy bakes, Catherine brings them to you!
Bernice Hill dishnthekitchen.comStaying in, Going out...sharing my food adventure with YOU.
Mohammad Mukther Hossainhairstylesfeed.comNo description available.
Vocational Media Group LLCthecareerproject.orgIf you feel a bit lost about which career to pursue then you are in the right place. Give us a chance to help guide you towards a career that you can be enjoy
Okuha Oyokuha.comLearn Anime & Manga Art with Okuha - Step-by-step lessons, guided exercises, and premium resources designed for beginner and intermediate artists. Join Okuha Membership and master the skills to bring your anime art to life.
Broken Oven Baking Companybrokenovenbaking.comSimple and delicious recipes from my oven to yours! No fancy equipment necessary, just easy baking, no-bake, and desserts that are perfect for all occasions!
The Pancake Princessthepancakeprincess.comBrowse dozens of popular recipe bake offs and reliable baking recipes. Find out which recipe is really the best through data-driven experiments, then stick around for top recipe recommendations!
Hoboken Girl LLChobokengirl.comA Hoboken + Jersey City lifestyle website sharing news, events, real estate, wellness, things to do and other topics for locals by locals.
Kelly Miller3boysandadog.comHomeschooling and homemaking tips for busy moms. Simple Recipes, Homeschooling Freebies, Homemaking Tips, & Inspiring Quotes from the 3 Boys and a Dog Blog
Craft craft blog that loves to think up quirky, out-of-the-box craft ideas so you don’t have to!
POST Wrestlingpostwrestling.comWrestling podcasts, news and reviews covering WWE, AEW, NXT, NJPW, ROH and UFC from John Pollock, Wai Ting and their network of contributors.
SD Media, LLCsweetandsavorybyshinee.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Kiki Johnson Food Media, Inh. Ulrike Überackercinnamonandcoriander.comNo description available.
Upstate Ramblingsupstateramblings.comFind modern, fun and easy recipes using modern kitchen gadgets like air fryer, Instant Pot, Sous Vide and more. Get cooking ideas for making healthy-ish food without going crazy!
pcmeccapcmecca.comNo description available.