Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Jessica Gibsonthetravelista.netNo description available.
The Clever Businessthecleverbusiness.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Linda Warren2cookinmamas.comBring fun and flavor into your kitchen with these quick and easy recipes for every day. They’re simple, delicious, and sure to become family favorites.
EV Capital Pty Limited garagegympro.comFailed to fetch meta description.
AB Creative Services Inc.evergreenkitchen.caVegetarian and vegan recipes that actually taste good! Reliable recipes for easy vegetarian dinners, vegan desserts, healthy snacks, and more.
Music In Minnesota LLCmusicinminnesota.comDiscover new music, watch interviews and learn about your favorite artists of all genres.
Heather Fongdeliciousnotgorgeous.comFood and dessert blog inspired by Asian American and Californian culture that always picks the delicious over the gorgeous.
Wordsratedwordsrated.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Amr El Sherif Mediavine
Ayngelina Broganbaconismagic.caThe Best Food Around the World and How to Make it At Home
Easy Crafts LLCnontoygifts.com200+ Easy crafts for kids. Year round craft ideas grouped by season and holiday. Perfect for toddlers, preschoolers and older kids.
Kathleen Lieumodernasianbaking.comNo description available.
Mike Zielonka Ventures, LLCmikezielonka.comMike Zielonka Coach, Consultant, COO & Entrepreneur Some folks call me a Digital Swiss Army Knife, others call me Magic Mike. If you'd ask me,
James Kennedygaragetransformed.comAt Garage Transformed, we're changing the way people think about their garages.
La Vie On Grandlavieongrand.comNo description available.
What Pros Wearwhatproswear.comFailed to fetch meta description.
OLAPHASE SDN. is a website sharing pressure cooker tips. The blog covers pressure cooking recipe, pressure cooker reviews and anything about pressure cooking.
Juli Lonasbargainbeliever.comArizona coupon deals and beyond! We match digital and paper coupons to local grocery and drugstore sales as well as point you in the direction of all kinds of other deals. Save money on essentials and family fun.
Dean Bootyfirsthamster.comThis blog will help you with all you need to know about caring for your first hamster.
Laura Pendycuisineandcocktails.comFood & Cocktail Blog
Ordinary Travelerordinarytraveler.comAdventure travel blog featuring advice, tips, and inspiration for world travelers seeking their next vacation destination.
jehan yusoofislandsmile.orgA food blog with recipes that are easy, healthy for families to make for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Recipes also include many Srilankan food too.
Wander Media LLChookedtobooks.comThe latest books and reading gadgets to make reading a fun, pleasant, and meaningful experience for casual and serious readers
Victoria de Liemeparentsenlight.comNo description available.
Nicola Thompsonsomethingsweetsomethingsavoury.comEasy, family friendly recipes that don’t break the bank. I show you how to make fuss free, delicious food for your family no matter how busy you are!
Voxel Smashvoxelsmash.comVoxel Smash - We are all about videogames: reviews, features, guides.
Do It Blogsdoitblogs.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Giancarlo Petrinitopcarfinds.comFailed to fetch meta description.
VST Pty Ltdhistorycooperative.orgOur modern world is shaped by the decisions, actions, and events of generations past. To understand who we are, explore how we got here at History Cooperative.
DigiMedia LLCwellella.comNo description available.
Rhiannon Thatcherwalestowherever.comFailed to fetch meta description.
KitchenDivaskitchendivas.comWelcome to KitchenDivas! We're devoted to classic comfort food just like mom and grandma used to make - because I'm both!
South Your Mouth, LLCsouthyourmouth.comNo description available.
Bethan Daunterslowthecookdown.comGreat tasting food doesn't have to take hours to make. Browse hundreds of delicious and easy weeknight meals and indulgent recipes to share
Raj Parsadwww.theprimaldesire.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Daniel Duttonewritable.comNo description available.
Omega Assistantsoneweirdmamma.comUplifting Mothers in all stages trusted by new parents and expanding families looking for the best family cars, family SUVs and 4x4s, and the most family-friendly utes in Australia
The Lean Green Beantheleangreenbean.comHealthy recipes, nutrition information, parenting tips, food prep tips by Lindsay Livingston, a mom and Registered Dietitian in Columbus Ohio.
TaCla SRL Unipersonalemyadventuresacrosstheworld.comHi, nice to meet you! My name is Claudia, and after pursuing a PhD and a career in International Human Rights Law, I decided to follow my true calling –
Attainable Homeattainablehome.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Girl Meets Party, LLCjennaye.comNo description available.
The Wandering Lens Pty Ltdthewanderinglens.comPublishing creative photo tips, photography career advice and travel guides to photography locations around the world - written by a photographer for photographers.
Daniel Nealepetdogowner.comGuides, tips and tricks for dog owners
James Brockbank Ltdthefamilyvacationguide.comAll of the inspiration you need to help plan your next family vacation; from recommended resorts and hotels to attractions, beaches and more.
The Gingham Apron, LLCtheginghamapron.comNo description available.
Jennifer Tremblayblenderhappy.comNo description available.
Robert Schraderjapanstartshere.comHeaded to Japan? From amazing Japan itineraries to personalized help planning your trip, Japan expert Robert Schrader has you covered.
Your Ultimate Menu Ltdyourultimatemenu.comYour Ultimate Menu saves you from spending time and energy thinking about what to cook. Each week, discover recipes for three delicious meals together with an organised shopping list. Save time and money, get out of the dinner rut and reduce food waste. Completely free! Gluten free options and wine matches included.
David Foxknowyourgrinder.comNo description available.
ITZAFAMILYTHING LLCitzafamilything.comLearn how to travel more affordably, stress-free, and have more fun with kids. Join us on our adventure as we travel the world with a toddler
Ian's Piggybank LLC freebiefindingmom.comOne-stop shop for free and paid printable ABC stencils, chore sheets, teacher aids, and holiday crafts by Freebie Finding Mom. Click to view our library.
The Mods Babethemodsbabe.comNo description available.
Sarah Gimthedeliciouslife.comdating as an excuse for dining out at Los Angeles and Orange County's best rated/reviewed restaurants (and worst)
Plant-Based on a Budget LLCplantbasedonabudget.comWelcome to Plant Based on A Budget your number #1 source for affordable and easy-to-make plant-based recipes.
The Shabby Treetheshabbytree.comHere at The Shabby Tree we create unique fun crafts for people of all ages! We cannot wait to DIY with you!
Mom Managing Chaos LLCmommanagingchaos.comNo description available.
Alysha Littlejohnlittlejohnsyarn.comNo description available.
Render Pathrenderpath.comNo description available.
Thomas Mueller-Heumanneatcuredmeat.comEat Cured Meat is about concise helpful information to celebrate the global rich and diverse flavors of cured meat.
Mechanism Ventures, LLCdelightedcooking.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Chef Alli's Inc.chefalli.comHi there, I’m Chef Alli! For over 30 years, I’ve been helping home cooks like you create delicious, tried and true family-friendly recipes.
Marie-Eve Caplettemarieevecaplette.comBien manger, JE SUIS MARIE-ÈVE Une nutritionniste passionnée par la science de la nutrition et la cuisine. Pour moi, le plaisir de manger est primordial. C’est pour cette raison que j’aime développer des recettes rapides, faciles et savoureuses avec une twist santé, en espérant vous inspirer à cuisiner. Je partage aussi de l’information crédible en nutrition et vulgarise la
Arfa Nazeershemeansblogging.comGet started here and start a blog today! Get best blogging tips, and blog monetization strategies for successful blogger. Shemeansblogging, one-stop guide!
Nourishing Brands LLCpaleoflourish.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Brett Martinthismamaloves.comConnecticut lifestyle blog featuring food, crafts, travel, entertainment, tech, family and more
Run Wild My Child, LLCrunwildmychild.comRun Wild My Child is your online destination for all things kid-friendly and outdoorsy. We are dedicated to getting kids outside and back to nature, one adventure at a time!
Clever Content, LLChaircutinspiration.comThe best grooming guide for men to find their Haircut Inspiration. Haircut Inspiration has all the latest hairstyles for men and boys.
Erika.comerika.comDiscover Erika Kullberg's financial tips on investing, credit cards, budgeting, insurance, savings, banking, and side hustles for a smarter financial future.
Allyson Cagneynoshinandnumnums.comWe believe in sharing healthy, every day recipes for any body. Whether you follow a gluten-free, keto, vegan, paleo diet, or anything in between, we've got you covered.
edithetsacuisineedithetsacuisine.frFailed to fetch meta description.
Jenuine Home LLCjenuinehome.comINTUITIVE INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICES. Helping you have a healthier, happier home where you can thrive! Let's create your own genuine home!
Remote Toolsremote.toolsDiscover step-by-step tutorials for mastering Discord, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and more. Unleash your digital potential with our expert guides and how-tos!
Lauren Keatinghealthy-delicious.comI’m a certified plant-based cook, 5-time cookbook author, and enthusiastic omnivore who loves looking for creative ways to make
Raising Blissraisingbliss.comNo description available.
Shibas Kitchenshibaskitchen.deHier findest du tolle orientalische Rezepte aus der indischen und arabischen Küche, die du ganz einfach nach kochen kannst. Zaubere Gerichte aus 1001 Nacht auf deinen Esstisch.
Next Page Media Inc.mymoneyblog.comPersonal Finance and Investing Blog
Joanne Smitthesaltypot.comNo description available.
CinemaBlindcinemablind.comNo description available.
Richi Mittalaskmisswhimsical.comLife and More
Baking Kneads, LLCbakingkneads.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Women Who Money LLCwomenwhomoney.comLet's Do Money Better improve your financial health Women Who Money Take Control of Your Finances. We'll help you discover the knowledge, skills, and
Sophia Inzatoeatdrinkandbemarried.comA food blog with all sorts of delicious, easy to make, and indulgent recipes. Learn how to become comfortable in the kitchen and create delicious treats every day.
AL JOVAYER KHANDAKAR honestbaseball.comNo description available.
JSF Mediajetsettingfools.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Renee Cookrhythmsandgraceblog.comLoving Life at Home
Justine top couples travel blog run by a husband and wife duo from Bristol focused on travel around the 9-5 like day trips, weekend breaks and 1-2 week holidays.
Contemporist Enterprisescontemporist.comContemporist features great ideas from the world of design, architecture, interior design, furniture, lighting, and art
We Three Shanes LLCwethreeshanes.comWe love to share practical solutions to life's challenges in an effort to live simple and less chaotic lives.
Jazzfueljazzfuel.comFailed to fetch meta description.
One Sharp Bunch, LLConesharpbunch.comLet’s make learning fun, as play, creativity, and content collide, with these ideas for play-based centers, multisensory learning experiences, integrated
EPR Marketing Inc.thetvtraveler.comShannon Entin is The TV Traveler, bringing you the latest in outdoor adventure, entertainment, and travel to TV and movie filming locations.
Styrkelabbet ABstrengthlog.comTrack your workouts and progress with our easy-to-use workout tracker app. Set goals, record your exercises and sets, and see your progress over time. Available for free on iOS and Android.
monica stottthetravelhack.comUK travel blog filled with weekend break inspiration
Rachel Preusyammiesnoshery.comNo description available.
Muhaimina Faiz Chowdhurythecraftaholicwitch.comThe Craftaholic Witch is a creative blog. We share arts crafts projects and DIY Tutorials for all the crafty people out there. Happy Crafting!
Leslie Osbornebessiebakes.comNo description available.
Rajasree Bhattacharyathehighschooler.netInternet's Best High School Guide
Guru Solutions LLCthespreadsheetguru.comCreating better data analysts with a focus on advanced techniques in Excel, PowerPoint, Word, & VBA Coding
Plantbasedredheadplantbasedredhead.comLeckere, meist gesunde und preisgünstige, vegane Gerichte ohne Schnickschnack. Tasty, mostly healthy and budget-friendly, plantbased dishes with no frills.