Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Hey! Digital Mediaheydigitalmedia.comOnline digital marketing in the travel, lifestyle, entertainment, and educational space. Giving readers answers to the questions they search for.
Johnathan Legermousetravelmatters.comMouse Travel Matters Blog details the range of Disney experiences from a Canadian perspective, planning Disney vacations, plus Disney restaurant and resort reviews.
Jamie Wilson-Houghtalensimplelivingmommy.comTips on frugal living, pregnancy, getting pregnant with PCOS, natural childbirth, and everything simple living and parenting!
Avanoareizeclub.comNo description available.
Jonathon Claytonjonnymelon.comJonny Melon Adventure Travel Blog features destination guides and inspiring photos from around the world to help you plan your next adventure!
Jiangpeng Zhangthekarateblog.comIt's all about Karate: sharing experience and knowledge of karate masters, tips on how to practice karate to improve your existing skills, and advice on buying the necessary equipment.
Rizika Mediarizikamedia.comNo description available.
Funmilola Osinkolucheflolaskitchen.comChef Lola's Kitchen - Easy and Family Approved Recipes
See Jenny Goseemamago.comNo description available.
Sara Hoffmanmajhofftakesawife.comA blog about recipes, travel, crafts, DIY, home decor, brain surgery and everything in between!
Ehtesham Shahiddieduftzweck.deDuftzweck hat alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihre DuftwĂŒnsche zu erfĂŒllen. Stöbern Sie und entdecken Sie noch heute Ihren nĂ€chsten Lieblingsduft.
Macblogstermacblogster.nlKrullen, Kroeshaar, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
J AND J MEDIAgerer-mon-budget.frFailed to fetch meta description.
BrightDropsbrightdrops.comInspiration to fuel your mind, body and soul.
Jennifer DorĂ© Dallasmoimessouliers.orgÉconomiser lĂ  oĂč c’est possible, dĂ©penser lĂ  oĂč c’est important. Conseils voyage au QuĂ©bec et autour du globe. En somme, voyager mieux, pour moins cher, plus souvent ou longtemps!
Converged Devicesconvergeddevices.netGet an unbiased assessment of mobiles, tablets and VR devices. Our elaborate reviews and valuable information will help you know your gadget better.
Trillium Montessoritrilliummontessori.orgMontessori Education: Resources for your classroom, school, or home. Inspiration and ideas, online courses, printables, and more.
Ginnie Leeminghellolittlehome.comHello Little Home has easy ideas to inspire your everyday creativity ... Vegetarian Recipes, Travel Guides, DIY, Decor, Beauty + so much more!
Rudolph your meals and count calories with calcount, Australia's own Calorie Counter and Weight Loss hub. Free Account!
Dream Big Live Tiny Co. LLCdreambiglivetinyco.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Edouard Gabler d.b.a YOGI TIMESyogitimes.comYOGI TIMES is the Lifestyle Guide for the Modern Yogi. We attract those who are curious and insightful, worldly yet present
 independent yet connected. With our inspiring content, we empower millions of readers around the world to live a more vibrant and conscious lifestyle.
reisgeniereisgenie.nlWelkom op Reisgenie. Wij zijn gek op reizen en delen graag onze ervaringen, tips en mooiste bestemmingen met je. Veel leesplezier gewenst!
Aileen Clarkaileencooks.comAileen Cooks is a lifestyle and food blog focused on sharing family-friendly recipes, instant pot recipes, travel reviews, crafts, and parenting advice. They are based out of Northern California.
Koa Pono Ventures LLCthecoffeemaven.comNo description available.
Amycakes LLCamycakesbakes.comNo description available.
BrbyMarybrbymary.comWe are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe but also at home with date ideas and romantic destinations.
Georgequantifyinghealth.comNo description available.
PAC MEDIA LLCfundsnetservices.comFailed to fetch meta description.
The Lazy Slow Cooker, LLCthelazyslowcooker.comWelcome to The Lazy Slow Cooker! Here you will find a collection of great slow cooker food shared by one lazy person.
Tao Digital Marketing Ltdthegoldfishtank.comThe Goldfish Tank is one of the world’s leading goldfish websites. Our experts have helped over 5 million people care for goldfish. Can we help you too?
A Duck's Oven, LLCaducksoven.comSimple recipes for the aspiring home cook, and a little sous vide, too!
Louise Emerychaoticallyyours.comNo description available.
Jaclyn Harwellthefamilythathealstogether.comThe Family That Heals Together- Heal Your Family Through Nutrition - Autoimmune Disease, Autism, Allergies, ADHD, Children's Behavior, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Lyme Disease, and More
The Sweet Wanderlustthesweetwanderlust.comA travel blog for people with a sweet tooth and a taste for adventure
Charlotte Masonthisgirlknowsit.comDiscover the Magic of Florida & Theme Parks! This Girl Knows It is a blog dedicated to Theme Parks, Florida travel, park fashion, and more.
Avantis, s.r.o.paddlingspace.comWelcome to Paddlingspace! Our mission is to help you find the best kayak and paddling gear for your needs and make you a better kayaker.
Marijana Meshkovagardeningsoul.comOur in depth articles provide gardening advice on a wide range of topics including growing your own, plant care, soil types, pruning and planting.
Birch Idea Pty Ltdsusannahbirch.comHi there...
Torstein RĂž
Claudette Ngwinuicookingwithclaudy.comBrowse dozens of delicious and simple international-themed recipes you'll kick yourself for not trying sooner! These simple recipes have detailed step by step instructions and exact measurements so every recipe is perfect the first time.
Tammy Mitchellpinkpeppermintdesign.comFailed to fetch meta description.
The Rock Revivaltherockrevival.comRock music news, reviews, live photos, and interviews.
Jaclyn Hastingsjacofallthings.comJac of All Things offers practical advice and life hacks for everyday life.
Jennifer Quillentherebelchick.comNo description available.
Emily Coweaglowlifestyle.comAglow Lifestyle is a leading resource dedicated to helping you live a life you love - physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Farwise Operations Pte. to fetch meta description.
Media Shark Publishing, Inc.allaboutthegloss.comAll About The Gloss - Hair Tips, Trends & Product Reviews
Foodie Flashpackerfoodieflashpacker.comFoodie Flashpacker is a food-focused travel site whose mission is to help readers find the best of where and what to eat around the world.
Strength Essencestrengthessence.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Needlepointers.comneedlepointers.comNo description available.
Apryl Griffithmoneywisesteward.comMoney Wise Steward offers Biblically-Sound advice on how Christians can manage their money wisely and grow in their walk with Jesus Christ.
The Purposeful Nestthepurposefulnest.comQuick and easy dinner recipes the entire family will enjoy. Affordable Home Cooked Meals for the everyday cook.
Kendra Stantoncitizensofbeauty.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Emma Gallowaymydarlinglemonthyme.comNo description available.
Meaghan Mountfordhowtomakecerealtreats.comUse our award-winning recipe to make the very BEST Rice Krispie Treats for dessert. See holiday, seasonal, traditional, and fun treat ideas.
Dashing Media, Inc.dashingmedia.comPerformance Marketing
YinLok Laulivingoutlau.comHey, I am Sean Lau! Thanks for stopping by LivingOutLau, my adventure travel blog!
Hey Explorerheyexplorer.comHey Explorer is a travel and culture magazine for explorers of the world. Join us and learn all about the culture with us.
Alina Zavatskyveganrunnereats.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Anna Gazecuisinefiend.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Shaylea Tessiermypcoskitchen.comHealthy low carb and keto recipes made gluten free and sugar free. These EASY recipes are perfect for managing PCOS.
Dr. Psych Mom LLCdrpsychmom.comNo description available.
The Independent Easel, Inc.mybigfatgrainfreelife.comNo description available.
Shifting Roots Gardening Blog Inc.shiftingroots.comIt is our mission to provide you with information to help you grow your garden with confidence, even if you are located in cold climates like Zone 2 or 3.
Paula's Apronpaulasapron.comAnĂ­mate a cocinar en casa pasando un buen rato. AquĂ­ encontrarĂĄs recetas que hacen que la comida casera sea deliciosa sin demasiadas complicaciones.
She Who description available.
Dianne Wenzdiannesvegankitchen.comDianne's Vegan Kitchen is home to all things vegan! Here you'll find healthy vegan recipes and healthy plant-based living tips.
Evolve Politicsevolvepolitics.comNo description available.
Webshoppertjeyogavandaag.comYoga Vandaag is jouw startpunt voor alles wat met Spiritualiteit te maken heeft. Op het platform vind je bijvoorbeeld alle informatie die jij nodig hebt
Tracy Lynnsimplelivingcountrygal.comNo description available.
Build Your Bite, Inc.buildyourbite.comAt Build Your Bite, we love creating recipes the whole family will love. Find recipes for all eaters, as well as vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free recipes.
Rohit Doshifashionandmash.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Hannah Hossack-Lodgedomesticgothess.comIf you want to make delicious, easy vegan cakes, cookies, pies, bread, desserts, comfort food meals and more then you have come to the right place!
Enoch Media Inc.savvynewcanadians.comA leading Canadian personal finance platform for banking, investing, retirement planning, credit cards, loans, and making & saving money tips.
Caroline Rowepackthesuitcases.comA UK-based travel blog specialising in European city breaks and local UK getaways, all with a touch of humour.
My Motherhood Made Easy LLCmymotherhoodmadeeasy.comMotherhood Made Easier. Being a new mother can seem challenging, but with the right resources and information, it can get a whole lot easier! No matter what stage you are in the motherhood process, we have something to help! Check Out Our Blog.
Rachel Amesbarelybookish.comNo description available.
Cathy Winstonmummytravels.comCan you really keep travelling with kids in tow? Award-winning family travel blog MummyTravels proves you can - and tips on how to do it
GetSetVegangetsetvegan.comDiscover a wide variety of easy vegan recipes that are delicious, nutritious, and simple to prepare. From savory meals to sweet treats, find inspiration to create flavorful plant-based dishes for every occasion.
Jordan Cauleyhumbleoven.comFailed to fetch meta description.
El Chango Media Incelchango.caEl Chango Media is a Vancouver based web development, mobile design, and digital strategy company who is results driven and love PHP, MySQL, and Wordpress.
Nancy Quantoomuchlove.caToo Much Love - a creative, west coast blog.
Victoria Odeyemiitscheatdayeveryday.comA wide variety of low calorie, low carb, quick, easy and delicious recipes to help you achieve your healthy weight goals one-nom-at-a-time!
Asser Christensencoffeechronicler.comIf you've got caffeine in your blood and coffee on the brain, you have come to the right place. The Coffee Chronicler is your online barista-buddy.
Margaret Ingememeinge.comNo description available.
Regina Ann Fontana, LLChealthylittlevittles.comFailed to fetch meta description.
The Cozy Plumthecozyplum.comThe Cozy Plum is your one stop shop for impressive homemade, restaurant-quality recipes made in your own kitchen. Grab your apron and let's bake!
Rafik Halabibistrobadia.deBistro Badia ist ein Food Blog mit Rezepten aus der Levante. Von Hummus, Baba Ghanous und Taboulé bis zu Sabich und Schawarma bekommst du hier alles.
SMB Mediasmboutreach.comNo description available.
LOAF TBT LLC lifestyleofafoodie.comDelicious, easy-to-follow seasonal recipes that your family will love!
Christine Cookthediydreamer.comThe DIY Dreamer is a place to be inspired to create. Easy to follow craft tutorials, DIY projects, sewing, and more.
Growing in the Garden, LLCgrowinginthegarden.comMaster desert gardening with Angela Judd’s expert advice. Get planting guides, seasonal tips, and techniques to thrive in challenging climates.
Cathleen Childsatasteofmadness.comA food blog with easy recipes using simple ingredients.
Elizabeth Deacleitsadrama.comIt's Drama. Travelling the world with two teenagers, buckets of hormones and not enough wine. An travel blog about a real family living life differently
Florent Fabreorigami.meFailed to fetch meta description.
Kristina Todiniforkintheroad.coA recipe blog by dietitian Kristina Todini, RDN featuring one new crave-worthy recipe each day to inspire you to eat more plants.
Bryannah Janotahealthylittlemama.comFailed to fetch meta description.
The Sidesmiththesidesmith.comThe Sidesmith is home to all things.... yes, you guessed it, SIDES! We have salads, sides, dressing & a ton of collections for all occasions!
I Like to Dabbleiliketodabble.comSide hustle and create multiple income streams to gain more confidence and control back in your life and career.