Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Contemporary Art Issuecontemporaryartissue.comContemporary Art Issue (CAI) is an international platform, publisher and gallery on contemporary art.
Mat på bordetmatpaabordet.noOppskrifter for alle!
Stridewisestridewise.comInsanely in-depth reviews and stories about the best men's boots on the market.
Inside The Rustic Kitchen Limitedinsidetherustickitchen.comWelcome to inside the rustic kitchen! Check out our yummy recipes, healthy cakes and bakes, indulgent comfort food and much, much more!
KOP Industriesbesttacticalflashlights.netA simple flashlight has so many uses and places it is needed. We cover this Lumens Life. From search and recuse to backyard games with the kids.
Shruti Acharyaartsycraftsymom.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Charlies Wanderingscharlieswanderings.comNo description available.
The Homesteading RDthehomesteadingrd.comYou're here to opt out of the "modern" way of life. You're tired of being dependent on the food system, the medical system and everything in-between.
Allison Paskettsomethewiser.comliving life deliberately
Haley Jonesme-and-mrjones.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Tania Lamblolalambchops.comBig family, big fun!
Zestuous LLCgirlscangrill.comLearn how to grill, barbecue and smoke meat, seafood, vegetables, breads and desserts with grilling recipes and BBQ tips from Girls Can Grill
Girl Boss Vibes LLCcurlygirlswag.comCurly Girl Swag is a community for black women to discover the best natural hairstyles, braids, protective hair styles, and hair growth tips.
TKO DIGITAL description available.
Nicole Addisonnourishedbynic.comLet's uncomplicate healthy eating. I make easy and accesible recipes to help nourish your body and soul. Some of most popular recipes can be found below.
Belqui's Twistbelquistwist.comNo description available.
The Salty Mamas LLCthesaltymamas.comParenting laughs, advice, and commiseration- WITHOUT judgement! Real mom talk and parenting solutions from two salty mamas who have been there, done that.
Little Dairy on the Prairiepitchforkfoodie.comBrowse hundreds of easy homemade recipes perfect for busy families! Find your next feast and do so with the ingredients you already have on-hand.
Outmaze Mediabiblewings.comBible Study & Questions
Hands Occupiedhandsoccupied.comHands Occupied is a blog, online shop and design studio by Heidi Gustad, an artist, author and crafts designer specializing in knitting, crochet, latch hook and macrame.
WILLEFERT LAURAsamfaitvoyager.comEntre voyage, vanlife, nature et aventures, retrouvez sur notre blog tous nos conseils de voyage et nos itinéraires, en France et en Europe. vegetarian Thermomix recipes. Fuss free, full of flavour, family approved. Popular cookbooks and free recipes. Meat variations.
Rita J. Harderharbourbreezehome.comHarbour Breeze Home is a lifestyle and home decor blog with recipes, crafts & diys, home decor, and free printables.
Slant Magazineslantmagazine.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Debbie Woodruffcoachdebbieruns.comWorkouts, running tips, plant-based recipes and more to live your healthiest life!
Meredith Woutersthepalettemuse.comWelcome to The Palette Muse, a place for DIYs, Home Decor, Crafts, Color, and Creativity. Let's create a color-filled life!
Engen Publishing Inc.boomerandecho.comA Canadian personal finance blog with smart ideas on how you can achieve financial freedom at any age. 
Ferreira Enterprises, LLCworthbeyondrubies.comWorth Beyond Rubies is for women of faith to study the Bible, learn about the Jewishness of Jesus, and deepen their walk with the Lord through prayer and study
15 SMCH Studio Incsustainmycrafthabit.comSustain my Craft Habit is an award-winning DIY and craft blog filled with nature-inspired ideas authored by sisters Jane and Sonja.
Bold Word Media Corp.vegancalm.comJaya365 merupakan platform terkemuka untuk judi bola mix parlay dan agen slot online resmi di tahun 2025. Dengan reputasi yang solid sejak 2010 dan inovasi terkini, Jaya365 menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang aman, seru, dan menguntungkan bagi para penggunanya.
The Furtasticcoleandmarmalade.comit’s not the hens that run the roost, it’s the purr-balls. Angel Cole, Marmalade, Jugg and Zig Zag, and newcomers Bond, Mazikeen and Calypso allow their humans ‘Chris and Jess’ to serve them. The original *Furtastic Four and now the Supurr Six decide when the humans get up each morning. They try and steal their food from their plates when they’re eating. Kitty furniture and games take over every room – and toys can be found in every nook and cranny of the house. Did we mention that they’ve also had a huge Kitty Pirate Ship in their living room?
Caitey Jaycaiteyjay.comHere you'll find nutrition tips, cooking resources and real ingredient recipes designed to nourish your body and mind.
PrimeHealth, PCprimehealthdenver.comWelcome to PrimeHealth Denver. We are a Functional Medicine practice of board-certified Family Medicine Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Associates.
Digital Tom LLChousecaravan.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Pro Aviation Tipsproaviationtips.comAviation tips straight from the professionals, we've got the info on the best training, pilot gear and techniques for you to help you become a better pilot
Arie Van Tuijltimbersill.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Facts Institutefactsinstitute.comThe Facts Institute is an easy-to-use resource platform designed to help researchers quickly find reliably verified facts and data.
Maulshree Basueasycookingwithmolly.comEasy Cooking with Molly: Light Family Favorite & Global Recipes. Find Authentic Indian recipes(lighter version) & Fusion of Spices.
Thomas Millerseat42f.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Daydream Into Reality LLC.daydreamintoreality.comNo description available.
Noman Abdulrehmangamibuzz.comGet the latest gaming news, in-depth reviews, helpful guides, hardware recommendations, and must-play game recommendations, all at GamiBuzz.
Hassan50krecipes.comBest Easy Recipes
Nataliaflavorfulhome.comFlavorful Home is a food blog with a focus on home cooking tips, recipes, ingredient substitutes, and more info for any home cook.
Calisthenics 101 is an online resource which can provide you with everything you need to know to get started with your calisthenics journey.
Cacinda Maloneypointsandtravel.comAdventure and Culture By Day, Smart Luxury By Night
Spreadsheeto ApSspreadsheeto.comFree online Excel training for beginners and experts (all skill levels). 3 lessons (30 minutes total), free assignments & much more
GLDgetlabsdone.comWhere things get uncluttered.
The Road Trip Experttheroadtripexpert.comThe Road Trip Expert is an adventure travel blog aiming to be the world’s best online resource for people who want to enjoy travel via the open road.
Arcane Eyearcaneeye.comArcane Eye is the place to go for all things DnD! From advice on running your campaign to which podcasts are the best, Arcane Eye can deliver the content you are looking for.
Jennifer Blythedeliberatemom.comThe Deliberate Mom is a website for every mom! Discover articles and get free resources to encourage, help, and inspire your parenting journey.
William Szabrakmovietheaterprices.comNo description available.
Good Good Goodgoodgoodgood.orgNo description available.
Taylor Lorenztaylorstracks.comA travel and yoga blog that is dedicated to sharing the power and magic behind learning, growth, and connection.
Loveleaf Co.loveleafco.comDigestion and Gut Health, Made Simple
Forever Conscious LLCforeverconscious.comArticles on intuitive astrology, mindfulness, spirituality and so much more
Sharpe Focus LLChilahcooking.comMy name is Hilah and I LOVE to cook. All of my video recipes are delicious, simple, and I use easy-to-find ingredients. Let's cook together!
All natural ideasallnaturalideas.comNeed ideas that fit into your natural lifestyle? All Natural Ideas shares ways to live a more eco-friendly life using effective traditional methods.
Healthy Diet Menus For You, LLCrenaldiethq.comFind specialized information on renal and kidney diets from those suffering kidney disease, diabetes, or undergoing dialysis. We are the Renal Diet HQ for all your questions and needs. Let us help you today!
Lauren Happellowcarbnomad.comNo description available.
Everyday Wholesomeeverydaywholesome.comThe best mom blog talking about essential oils, books, DIY homemade recipes, baby led weaning and natural nontoxic cleaning products.
Divyanka Gandharkarmissteapositive.comNo description available.
Plantly, LLCplantly.ioThe only plant marketplace that connects plant lovers with independent micro nurseries, and side hustlers. Discover the Magic of Plants!
reenasidhureenasidhu.comYour one-stop destination for ultimate beauty and fashion secrets to flaunt your own style.
Barry Parsonsrockrecipes.comRock Recipes. The Best Food & Photos from my family kitchen in St. John's, Newfoundland. Over 1700 fantastic family friendly home cooking and baking recipes for everyday life. From quick and easy weekday dinners and budget friendly recipes to Slow Cooked Sundays, indulgent desserts and new entertaining ideas, Rock Recipes is your one stop source for all the meal planing, cooking and baking inspiration you need.
Cornucopia Income Solutions Inc.egglesscooking.comThis blog specializes in egg free baking. Also find simple and innovative eggless vegetarian and vegan cooking recipes from cuisines around the world.
Jay Kakadegamerstones.comGamerStones is your go-to website for the latest gaming news and gadget updates, helping you enhance your overall gaming experience.
Flickering Mythflickeringmyth.comLatest pop culture and movie news, reviews, articles and opinions, with and updates on film, TV, video games, comic books, toys, collectibles and more.
Monica Anggraenilivebetterlifestyle.comA lifestyle blog that covers Home decor and organization, DIY and Craft Ideas, Beauty, Style, Recipes, Money Tips and help you to do better blogging.
Victorsoccerprime.comUltimate Resource To Learn About Soccer
Lathis Kitchenlathiskitchen.orgLathiskitchen is a blog where you can find yummy homemade recipes with step by step pictures to make cooking easier. The recipes are easy to make with simple ingredients. I have also short videos included for easier understanding.
Brian recipes for two are a rarity online, not here, over 500 recipes ranging from mains to sides & curries to pasta almost all made for two
Oh So Deliciosoohsodelicioso.comBrowse hundreds of fantastic easy-to-make timeless recipes perfect for your next meal or special event. Then, stick around for the latest in lifestyle, beauty, and DIY tutorial and tips. Food and family fun, we have you covered!
Natalie Gregorythegeneticchef.comIncredibly delicious from scratch family recipes along with the steps to prepare. Written with little fluff and lots of attitude, humor, and helpful tips.
Defortuna Designs/ Joe Pucciodelishsides.comLet's Enjoy Food
Roberta Dall'Albahealthylittlecravings.comMy mission is to inspire you eating wholesome delicious food and embrace a healthy lifestyle all-round. Don't forget to indulge sometimes.
Kimberly Dewhirststarsignstyle.comThe only website in the world dedicated to exploring the astrology of fashion, with celebrity horoscopes to help you enhance your own Star Sign Style!
Nwajei Stanley Ozuluonyehairshepherd.comEverything about hair within our knowledge is what we share to our ardent readers through blog post. Your hair is our responsibility.
Mary Fifersaintanneshelper.comThe Baltimore Catechism is the best Roman Catholic catechism for schools, homeschool, and Sunday school: Communion, Confirmation, coloring pages, cursive handwriting.
Desi~licious RDshahzadidevje.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Dean Solutions, LLCfloppycats.comVisit Floppycats™ to read more about Home . Learn more about here!
Envoy Web Private Limitedtheenvoyweb.comThe Envoy Web is the definitive source for in-depth explainers of shows and movies on Netflix and Prime Video.
Ricardo is your number one source for Destiny 2 content, exclusively: Find all the Destiny 2 news, guides, tips, and more to help you enjoy D2 even more.
Queen of Cleanqueenofclean.blogHey, Lynsey here. Welcome to the sparkliest place on the internet. I’m an entrepreneur, TV presenter, mum, homecare guru and author of four best-selling books, my most recent being The 15 Minute Clean. My books are bursting with easy, simple home hacks and cleaning tips to help you and your family live a sparkling and […]
Stephanie Jouanlacerisesurlemaillot.frFailed to fetch meta description.
Solo Female Travelers S.L.solofemaletravelers.clubThe ultimate online resource for solo female travel on the web. Find articles on solo female travel destinations, safety advice, solo female trips and more.
Luster Network LLCgameluster.comYour source for gaming news, reviews, and features, driven by a passionate crew of gamers and content creators. Come check us out!
AJH Trade description available.
Be Brave and Bloombebraveandbloom.comBrowse hundreds of delicious recipes and DIY tutorials covering sewing, crafts, and entertaining. Need creative inspiration? I've got you covered!
Stephanie Mayoladystravelblog.comOne Ontario lady with a passion for travel and inspiring others to get outdoors and explore more
Winter Marketing Inc.5minutesformom.com5 Minutes for Mom is a family lifestyle blog sharing easy recipes, fun crafts, helpful DIYs, family activities, and photography tips since 2006.
Darlene Kratzdiprecipecreations.comDips are the ultimate party food. Here you will find a large number of dip recipes perfect for a potluck, holiday, game day or any occasion.
The Life of a Social Life of a Social Butterfly - An affordable luxury travel blog, inspiring luxury travel for less, boutique stays & destination dining!
Angela Schofield Consultingalltastesgerman.comIn the mood for German food? Join me on a journey through German culture and cuisine! Traditional and modern authentic German Recipes. bietet unzählige Playlists, spannende Top-Listen zu Musik, Serien, Filme und Games sowie ein großes popkulturelles Themenangebot.
Graying With Grace LLCgrayingwithgrace.comFailed to fetch meta description.
CamperAdvisecamperadvise.comWelcome to CamperAdvise, your ultimate resource for RVing, camping, and outdoor adventures. Explore articles, tips, and reviews on our website.
Gailleon, LLCfutureofworking.comNo description available.
Reality Blurred LLCrealityblurred.comReality show reviews, recaps, and reality TV news analysis: your guide to reality television and unscripted entertainment, edited by Andy Dehnart.
Arlin Cuncicaboutsocialanxiety.comAre you struggling with social or performance anxiety? Learn how to manage anxiety and live your best life.
Susana Sererpregged.comOur fully qualified medical experts answer ALL your questions about pregnancy, getting pregnant, labor, birth and baby without the medical jargon...