Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Elizabeth Grushkinfuzzymama.comNo description available.
Crazy Blonde Lifecrazyblondelife.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Good Solid ASgoodsolid.comNo description available.
Lam Nguyen Thanhsmarterve.comMake your home a little more livable — and a lot more automated — by adding appliances and Smart devices you can control from anywhere. We've tested hundreds
So Very Blessed LLCsoveryblessed.comSo Very Blessed is here to give you all the tools you need for Christian weight loss – healthy recipes, weight loss tips, and faithful encouragement.
Crownethetgeldcollege.nlFinanciële Vrijheid Voor Iedereen
Manuela Mazzoccocookingwithmanuela.comNo description available.
Jessica Formicolasavoryexperiments.comHelping you create restaurant quality family meals using our 4 S philosophy: salt, seasoning, sauce and substitution.
Jacob Sobolevrockguitaruniverse.comRock Guitar Universe is a website with a mission to be the best possible resource of information about guitars. Whatever you are a complete beginner or an advanced player, buying your first guitar or learning amazing guitar songs, trying to fix some gear issue or looking for an easy to get product review for your next gear purchase.
MYRA Technologies LLCmyrawealth.comPersonal finances made easy! Financial Planning. Investment Management. Tax Filing.
Lauren Engelmancornerofhopeandmane.comNo description available.
Kaitlen Douglassimplemomproject.comNo description available.
Wegwijs naar Parijswegwijsnaarparijs.nlGa jij Parijs bezoeken? Wij bieden jou een volledige website vol leuke artikelen over Parijs waarmee je je reis perfect kunt voorbereiden 😊
Peabody Johansonsweetrecipeas.comEvil Treats from a Nice Person
Glorieuses Pitancesyummix.frRecettes Thermomix fiables et de qualité pour votre TM6, TM5 ou TM31 - Le blog de recettes de Lyse est entièrement dédié au Thermomix de Vorwerk !
Will Cook For Smiles, LLCwillcookforsmiles.comBrowse hundreds of incredible homecooked recipes perfect for the novice and experienced cook alike. Cook a recipe everyone will love, and do so with a smile!
Bunny's Gardenbunnysgarden.comGrowing and Zone 6 Gardening with Kids! Join us at Bunny's Garden Blog for planting tips, seed swaps, kids garden crafts, and so much more.
Nutrition Explorers LLCcreatekidsclub.comWritten by Jodi Danen, RDN, Create Kids Club offers simple kid-friendly recipes, kids cooking recipes, & family travel ideas.
Lifehack Media Pte. Ltd.lifehack.orgLifeHack empowers time-strapped individuals to boost productivity, transform their mindset, achieve goals, and gain more time for what truly matters.
Bethany Higgsalittleknickalittleknack.comHome, Family, Love, DIY, and all the other Knicks and Knacks of Life
Amanda Molloy Ernstloopsandlovecrochet.comNo description available.
Madison Ingrammildlymeandering.comNo description available.
Shinta Simoncarameltintedlife.comWelcome to Caramel Tinted Life! Here you will find recipes from my Indian heritage, Instant Pot recipes, meal ideas for families, and much more. Learn how to make real, wholesome dishes made with clean ingredients, from scratch at home.
Julia Lundinthespiritnomad.comAre you a starseed or lightworker? Then you're in the right place - here you can learn how to find your purpose and accelerate your spiritual awakening.
Petros Kantzosfrancetravelblog.comFrance Travel Blog is aimed to be the Best Travel Guide for France and Paris. Whether you are looking for the best restaurants, museums, places to visit, and things to do, France Travel Blog has it all. Enjoy!
Karla Suarezecolivingmama.comeco-friendly living made simple
Digital Trailer Parksnetbooknews.comLaptop & tablet best reviews and tips, update daily, carefully checked by budget, brand, usage; gaming tablets mobile games reviews news and previews.
Virginia Nakitariearnsmartonlineclass.comEarn Smart Online Class is the perfect place to find work at home jobs and make money online opportunities.
Ellie's Travel Tipselliestraveltips.comWelcome to Ellie's Travel Tips, where you will find all the top travel, road trip, and cruise tips!
Marcello Barbaroanythinggermanshepherd.comEverything you need to know about German Shepherds, related Shepherd breeds, and general dog information.
A Paige Of Positivityapaigeofpositivity.comBrowse dozens of unique and classic recipes - from fresh seasonal dishes, quick meal prep ideas, or easy snack bites. They are sensational! There are new recipes EVERY week - from my kitchen to yours, I hope you enjoy! DBA My Trainer Fitness LLCgardensall.comAll things gardens and gardening, nature and nurture.
Carleen Coulterallnutribulletrecipes.comAll Nutribullet Recipes provides delicious and healthy smoothie recipes for a healthy lifestyle
Expatra Ltd.expatra.comPlan your perfect retirement abroad. Expert guides, advice, and real expat stories to help you navigate visas, finances, and lifestyle choices abroad.
Nordic Designnordicdesign.caNo description available.
Abundant Acres Corporationbarbarabakes.comNo description available.
Jaime Baconnogettingoffthistrain.comNo description available.
Most Expensivelymostexpensively.comNo description available.
Bianca Mcneaceslickhousewives.comFailed to fetch meta description.
ScoutSmarts.comscoutsmarts.comPreparing Scouts to Lead and Succeed!
Quelques grammes de gourmandisequelquesgrammesdegourmandise.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Cozy Cravingscozycravings.comDelicious and approachable comfort food recipes that highlight seasonal ingredients and will leave you feeling full, happy, and cozy.
Dream Dash Journaldreamdashjournal.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Christine Spread is for anyone looking for simple, satisfying, delicious vegan recipes. Easy vegan recipes for everyone, everyday.
Ultimate Franceultimatefrance.comWith huge mountains, warm sea, wind and waves, France is a world-class destination for outdoor sports. Discover the best places in France for mountain biking, climbing, hiking, surfing, kitesurfing & snow sports!
Mathieu Lassallefrenchwanderers.comNo description available.
Muhammad Qasimalltech.howTech Tips, How-To Guides and Support.
Nancy Piranthebittersideofsweet.comThe Bitter Side of Sweet is about creating family friendly recipes. Whether you have a little time in the kitchen or a lot, you'll find recipes to fit all your needs. There's something for everyone!
Debra Kleindebraklein.comDiscover a collection of approachable plant-based recipes and healthier twists on classic Jewish dishes crafted by Holistic Health Coach and Culinary Instructor, Debra Klein.
Life and a Budget, LLClifeandabudget.comBetter Finances. Carefree Living.
Vizenio S.R.L.thesecretofthetarot.comFailed to fetch meta description.
She Dreams of Alpine, LLC.shedreamsofalpine.comNo description available.
Backyardgardener LLCbackyardgardener.comExplore expert gardening tips and practical advice from Explore planting guides, seasonal care tips, and all you need to grow a beautiful, thriving garden. Visit us today for your best backyard gardening solutions!
Simon Barkergrowyouryard.comTrying to get that perfect yard? Of course you are, we all are! We’ll help you get the yard you’ve always dreamed of with our in-depth articles, growing
Sticky Aidestickyaide.comNo description available.
My Little Eater Inc.mylittleeater.comAt My Little Eater, you’ll find easy-to-follow tips, how-to videos, strategies, and the latest research on feeding babies and toddlers. But most important, you get a team of pediatric dietitians, feeding experts, and fellow parents who support you no matter how you choose to feed your little one, whether you decide to ease into solids with purees, go straight to finger foods, or something in-between.
Productive Poppy, LLCtheincrementalmama.comNo description available.
No Sweat Vegannosweatvegan.comWhether you're new to plant-based eating or you've been vegan for a decade, you'll find all the delicious and healthy recipes you need at No Sweat Vegan
two sugar bugstwosugarbugs.comHello! I help busy home bakers create indulgent treats and simple breakfast recipes with lots of step-by-step photos to help along the way.
Lei Zhangcookingwithlei.comCooking With Lei - A food blog features Asian recipes that are simple and tasty.
Be My Travel Muse LLCbemytravelmuse.comTravel blog by Kristin Addis, a solo female traveler who has been traveling for over five years. Includes packing tips, adventures and comprehensive guides.
BOSbest-osmosis-systems.comLooking for the BEST reverse osmosis system? Our REVIEWS + buying guide will help you find your ideal system at the lowest price!
Elizabeth description available.
Gabriela Dimovaveggieworldrecipes.comHere at Veggie World Recipes, you will find delicious vegan recipes that are made with a healthy twist but never compromise on taste. You'll find breakfast recipes, weeknight meals, fun baked desserts, and so much more!
One good Thing by Jillee, LLConegoodthingbyjillee.comOne Good Thing by Jillee is home to the most useful hacks you'll find anywhere! We feature cleaning tips, simple DIYs, & money-saving solutions.
TenDegreeTilt LLCsocmedsean.comSocMedSean is for anyone who wants to enjoy social media to its fullest. I'll share tips and tools for effectively using social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and WordPress.
Meliovationsidewalksafari.comNo description available.
TLDR Publishing LLCtldrp.comNo description available.
nicole sunderlandeatlivetraveldrink.comEatlivetraveldrink is a travel and lifestyle website by Nicole Sunderland focusing on luxury travel, engaging photography, culinary experiences, and destinations around the world.
Susan Chandafitnesschat.coFitness Chat, a fitness blog for fitness tips and fitness motivation tips. Find out the best way to lose weight fast, free workout routines for beginners and shop workout clothes.
Matt Pricemrmakeithappen.comWelcome to, an all-inclusive website to find new recipes, receive advice, and buy low-sodium seasonings and other products from your favorite social media chef, Mr. Make It Happen!
Chatfield Courtchatfieldcourt.comNo description available.
Aperture Technologies, Inc.allcrystal.comWelcome to AllCrystal - your ultimate guide to crystals. Discover their properties, meanings, How To’s, uses and benefits. Visit our vast collection of crystals
Tutti Dolcitutti-dolci.comTutti Dolci features 500+ baking recipes you can count on. Satisfy your cravings and bake from scratch with tested, trusted homemade recipes!
Zen Soundproofzensoundproof.comExplore step-by-step guides tailored for both beginners and experts.Whether you're soundproofing a room or a vehicle, our comprehensive tutorials will lead
Lauren Terminiteachermisery.comTeacher Misery was started by Jane Morris in 2014 as a place for educators to share their frustrations and laugh at the insanity of it all!
Atuin Digitalbasementbakehouse.comSlimming World Recipes
Laura's Bakerylaurasbakery.nlOp Laura's Bakery vind je makkelijke recepten om te bakken. Er zijn ook lekkere recepten voor koken en simpele recepten voor een borrelplank.
Sunshine And Rainy Days LLCsunshineandrainydays.comCome along as I share our day-to-day happenings and promote Sunshine and Happiness along the way! From Holiday ideas, DIYs, and practical printables, I would love to have you join me!
Mighty Ventures ASsempervirens.noNo description available.
Elizabeth Thomsoniheartvegetables.comBrowse hundreds of healthy vegan and vegetarian recipes that YOU can make with simple ingredients in less than 30 minutes. Learn to live a healthier, happier live, and do it in minutes a day!
Brown Eyed Bakerbrowneyedbaker.comBrowse thousands of approachable made-from-scratch desserts, comfort foods and easy dinner recipes that anyone can prepare. No matter what you're looking for, Brown Eyed Baker has a recipe for you!
With Peanut Butter on Topwithpeanutbutterontop.comNo description available.
Lindsay Pontashrimpsaladcircus.comA Perfectly Imperfect Creative Life
Petite Dressingpetitedressing.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Genuss des Lebensgenussdeslebens.deGesunde & vegetarische Rezepte
Rachel Martinfindingjoy.netNo description available.
Homemade & Yummyhomemadeandyummy.comFood should be easy, tasty, and satisfying. Let me help you create food your family will love. Delicious recipes made right at home.
Ester Laubesterkocht.comHere at Ester Kocht you will find recipes (mainly German and Namibian food) with step-by-step with instructions and photos, which makes cooking easy.
Katelyn McCulleyadventurouskate.comI teach women how to travel the world safely -- and I'm here to help you have the best trip ever.
Amelie Gagnemostlyamelie.comNo description available.
Baked by Clobakedbyclo.comThe home of vegan baking and deliciously easy dessert recipes. Start your vegan desserts journey with recipes including lemon drizzle cake, chewy chocolate chip cookies and many more simple recipes!
Bariatric Meal Prep, LLCbariatricmealprep.comThe Bariatric Nutrition Meal Prep Pro is a monthly membership designed to bring you post bariatric surgery meal plans, tips, and support.
Strive Industries, LLCthestrive.coFailed to fetch meta description.
Mary Harphealthychristianhome.comHealthy Christian Home is a Christian lifestyle blog sharing delicious healthy recipes & faith based encouragement for families!
Valid Housevalidhouse.comNo description available.
Tim Kroeger Media LLCuniversal-traveller.comYour go-to destination for the world’s most exclusive luxury hotels and unforgettable travel experiences. Start planning your luxury escape today:
Cross Media, Inc.bensabaconlovers.comBacon lovers, sign up today to join BENSA Bacon Lovers Society! Enjoy bacon recipes, photos, bacon events, gifts, and cooking guides.
Ballpark E-Guidesballparkeguides.comBallpark E-Guides is your #1 resource on the web...for MLB ballpark guides chock full of info, tips, and money-saving hacks!
The Illuminerditheilluminerdi.comNo description available.