Mediavine Approved Websites

(Updated: January 2025)

Simple searchable list of all the Mediavine approved publisher websites. If you want to understand what type of content Mediavine approves, you can use this list to help! This is for educational purposes to help bloggers understand what to do with your website to improve your chances of being approved for premium display ads.


Total Listings: 10511

Attractionwapititravel.comInspiratie, reistips en gedetailleerde reisinformatie over Japan, Zuid-Korea, Portugal en nog vele andere prachtige plekken op deze planeet.
Erin Doonertexanerin.comHealthier baked goods that don't taste healthy.
Uncoached Corpuncoached.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Cuddly Stitches Craftcuddlystitchescraft.comExplore my free Amigurumi crochet patterns and tutorials that will take you on an easy journey to the magical world of crochet toys.
Alpine Trail Press Ltd.uniquegifter.comYour source for amazing, unique gift ideas & gift guides for all occasions, especially adult gift ideas for birthdays, anniversaries & Christmas. Kids too!
Leslie Saetamy100yearoldhome.comMy 100 Year Old Home is a lifestyle blog focused on entertaining, styling, décor, cooking, recipe and DIY crafts. Owned by Leslie Saeta.
The Hungry Hutch LLCthehungryhutch.comWelcome to the culinary adventures of a young man—I am a chef, writer, and lover of all things food. My passion for food is even greater than my love of sleep (which is saying a lot). I like to eat. I like to cook. I like to experiment. I like to share. I like you. Hopefully this will inspire you to go out and cook something of your own.
A Passion And A Passport LLCapassionandapassport.comNo description available.
Lanta Media SRLtheplantbasedschool.comHi! We are Nico and Louise. Welcome to The Plant-Based School! A food blog with vegetarian & vegan recipes.
Steamy Kitchen, Inc.steamykitchen.comNo description available.
Matthew Scyoccar-engineer.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Michelle description available.
A Life Adjacentalifeadjacent.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Annemarie is a leading website for comprehensive coverage of Daytime Soaps, Primetime TV, Reality TV & Celebrity, Entertainment & Royal news.
Tech is a leading tech website that helps PC Enthusiasts & Gamers across the world by providing tech tutorials, reviews, comparisons, gaming and more.
Linda Meyerveganosity.comBrowse hundreds of delicious vegan and plant-based recipes that are so delicious you won't believe they are vegan. Find vegan copycat alternatives to your favorite foods from BBQ to meatloaf to strawberry shortcake. Vegan has never tasted so good!
Shaun Marrsshaunmarrs.comNo description available.
Clelia Mattanakeepcalmandtravel.comKeep Calm And Travel is A Travel & Inspirational site by Clelia Mattana with useful guides to Sardinia, Italy, UK and more!
GearTrenchgeartrench.comExpert advice on gardening and home decoration tips. Choose thousands of plants delivered straight to your door!
My Brown Newfiesmybrownnewfies.comMy Brown Newfies is a personal blog that writes about different aspects of owning a Newfoundland dog such as care, grooming, training and basic life lessons.
Brittany Wittigtherollingpack.comTravel blog focusing on camper life, nature travel, slow travel, and following our personal mantra: This moment is your life!
Chantal Secoursfreshisreal.comPlant-Based & Allergen-Friendly
Astound Biz LLCbirdwatchingbuzz.comHelping You Learn More About Birdwatching
Iowa Road Tripiowaroadtrip.netFailed to fetch meta description.
Veronica Jerlingfoodleclub.comUncomplicated recipes for easy homemade food, using simple ingredients with step-by-step instructions to help you create wholesome meals.
Yuto Omurasudachirecipes.comNo description available.
Catherine Chenardlowcarbsimplified.comBrowse hundreds of low-carb and keto dinner recipes, which are full of flavor and come together quickly on busy weeknights. Dinner recipes are all 8 ingredients or less and some take as little as 15 minutes to make!
Laura Kuminmotherwouldknow.comHome Cooking Beats Take-Out
Centsable Momma LLCcentsablemomma.comNo description available.
The Other Shifttheothershift.comReal Shift Work Advice
In Search Of Yummy-nessinsearchofyummyness.comSimple recipes, seasonal inspiration for cozy living, and tips for embracing the changing seasons.
Sarah Reedbestlittlemoments.comI’m Sarah. I'm so happy you're here! I enjoy photography, cooking, baking, spending time with my family and celebrating all of our best little moments.
All that's Jasall-thats-jas.comInternational cuisine has never been more accessible than now. Explore hundreds of home-style comfort food and travel the world through your kitchen!
Jenna Owensasavoryfeast.comNo description available.
Bernhard Regnietautokostencheck.deDetaillierte Autokosten von über 30.000 Modellen. Berechne und vergleiche direkt, wie viel für Kfz-Versicherung, Kfz-Steuer, Kraftstoff und Inspektion eines Autos zu bezahlen ist.
G-Free Foodiegfreefoodie.comG-Free Foodie – Your ultimate source for gluten free recipes, products and more! Recipes and ideas from KC the G-Free Foodie + experts.
I Love My Dog So Muchilovemydogsomuch.comMade by dog lovers for dog lovers.
Julie Provostsoldierswifecrazylife.comSupport for the Military Spouse through deployments, PCSing & other challenges...
Craving Californiacravingcalifornia.comA place for home cooks of all skill levels to come together and enjoy delicious, down to earth recipes inspired by the Golden State.
Family Travel Pty to Family Travel, the home of holidays with kids. We share family-friendly tips and stories for traveling Australia and the world
PRANCIER prancier.comNo description available.
Charity Longvintagekitty.comRecipes DESSERTS CoCKtails HOME & GARDEN Never miss a recipe! Subscribe to get our most recent updates! My favorite easy and delicious weeknight
Far Flung Freelance LLCfarflungfreelance.comNo description available.
Kathy Grimessweetteaandcornbread.netNo description available.
Carol Lovettditchthewheat.comDitch the Wheat is devoted to making living gluten free easier by providing you with tasty gluten free recipes and education.
The Typical Momtemeculablogs.comWelcome to The Typical Mom, your one-stop destination for quick Instant Pot recipes, handy air fryer and Crockpot usage. Join us today and start exploring!
Kineticistkineticist.comNo description available.
The Gentle Albumthegentlealbum.comWelcome to The Gentle Album! Here you'll find extremely detailed guides on the best non toxic and sustainable products.
Food Above Gold Mediafoodabovegold.comBecome a master chef by learning professional cooking techniques through gourmet comfort food recipes. Enjoy the experience of cooking as well as the food!
Disneyland Dailydisneylanddaily.comNo description available.
Michael Shpiltmichaelscodingspot.comMichael Shpilt's Blog on .NET software development, C#, performance, debugging, and programming productivity
Sreelatha Vamananwww.framedrecipes.comNo description available.
2FT Media LLC2foodtrippers.comWelcome to the 2foodtrippers website where you'll find food, travel, coffee and cocktils.
Healthy Family Projecthealthyfamilyproject.comHelp your family live its healthiest BEST life through healthy recipes, tips and tutorials from the Healthy Family Project!
Coupons, Deals and More, LLCannsentitledlife.comRecipes | Cocktails | Wine | Crafts | Travel | Gardening | Renovations | Home Improvement |
Megan McCoymirthmade.comNo description available.
Postcards to Seattlepostcardstoseattle.comPostcards to Seattle is an adventure and travel blog featuring Pacific Northwest destinations, road trips, national parks, and more.
betterafter50betterafter50.comBetter After 50 is an Online Magazine for Women over 50. Midlife can be a challenge and we face that challenge together. Join Our Community! Fashionistas after 50, Travel after 50, Lifestyle after 50. Where to go, What to do. Everyday style. Subscribe for free to our BA50 newsletter for more!
Shihori Obatashihoriobata.comNo description available.
Wilhelm Neufeldverzuckertbyolly.deHerzlich willkommen! Zu meinen Rezepten Schön, dass du da bist! Vergiss komplizierte Kochbücher - hier bekommst du Rezepte, die man auch ohne Kochmütze
Charlene McCraneytexturedtalk.comNatural hair content catered to your needs. No matter if you are newly natural transitioning to natural hair or a veteran looking for a styling tutorial!
Martin Wegnerfood-foox.deNo description available.
Mritunjay Jadongameinstants.comGameinstants is a place where eager gamers just like you will find a everything about video games. We aim to be the best online source for video games such as user guides, reviews, tips and tricks, new features and more. Gaming is in our blood, and we can help you with any video game as friends.
Solid Ventures, Inc.healthyway.comJTNDcCUzRSUzQyUyRnAlM0U=JTNDcCUzRSUzQyUyRnAlM0U=
Collins Nwokolo topsoccerblog.comNo description available.
The Two Bite Club LLCthetwobiteclub.comNo description available.
Krishna Pandeywildtattooart.comNo description available.
Zdenka Krepelkovafishtackly.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Gregory Gaynorfacedragons.comNo description available.
Live Adventure Travelliveadventuretravel.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Nikomi LLC buttertogetherkitchen.comDiscover delicious and keto-friendly desserts and dishes from around the world. From traditional favorites to unique twists, we have something for every taste.
Stephanie Sainstephaniesain.comGluten Free | Vegetarian Recipes by Stephanie Sain
Bullish LLChistoryinmemes.comDaily History Education and Entertainment Through Memes!
frida howard Ltd fridahoward.comNo description available.
Colin Strachanpupnames.comExplore the world's largest collection of dog names. Search by category, keyword and more to find the perfect name for your new puppy.
LCB Media LLClcbmedia.netNo description available.
Your Choice Nutrition, LLCyourchoicenutrition.comWelcome to Your Choice Nutrition! Join me on a journey to wellness as we throw diets out the window & focus on simple steps to live a healthy life your way!
TED88 Digitalblogoftom.comWe strive to be the most complete website when it comes to finding interesting information or even when looking for inspiration to choose your next new name.
Dawera Development Ltd.uniqhotels.comDiscover and dream your way through our selection of stunning unusual and unique hotels in locations all over the world revealed in high definition.
Stacy Lingstacyling.comBricks 'n Blooms with Stacy Ling: Empowering beginner gardeners with organic tips, low-maintenance plants & cozy home decor inspiration.
David Davidovthecookingfoodie.comMaking cooking and baking accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Akashic Wave LLCbudgetingcouple.comEnjoy Your Money
GWD Media LLCgrillinwithdad.comEasy grilling recipes, product reviews and more! Become the neighborhood grill master with our easy to follow recipes and videos.
Motostatzmotostatz.comNo description available.
Kampeermeneer Mediakampeermeneer.nlHét online camping magazine en kampeerblog waar kamperen nog écht kamperen is met kampeertips en sfeervolle campings waar je wat aan hebt!
Step Ahead Inc.familiestravelfree.comDiscover how families travel free with Lyn's expert guidance. Fly with your family without costs using travel rewards. Learn more travelling tips for families!
JARA Publishing LLChessunacademy.comHess Un-Academy is my go-to place for homeschool tips and success principles for kids! The field trip curriculums are lots of fun. Homeschool encouragement at its best.
The Whole World Or Nothingthewholeworldornothing.comTravel tips, kickass destination guides & serious vanlife inspiration to help you get your travel adventures off the ground!
Singing Through the Rain LLCsingingthroughtherain.netNo description available.
FitLiving Eats LLCfitlivingeats.comtop posts Gluten-Free Black Bean & Spinach Enchiladas Quick & Easy Vegan Chocolate Tofu Pudding Protein-Packed Pasta Salad No Sugar Added Granola Clusters Latest Posts Raw Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake Bars No-Bake Recipe Better-Than-Costco Healthy Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins Recipe Lentil Walnut Tacos with a Pineapple Mango Salsa Dig Into the Recipes Smoothies & Drinks Main
Lost & Found LLClostandfounddecor.comFailed to fetch meta description.
Artchive.comartlex.comThe Art Dictionary and Encyclopedia ◆ SINCE 1998 ◆ About Artlex Artlex is the Original Art Dictionary and Encyclopedia on the Web, founded in 1998. More than just a dictionary, we have expanded to include Artist Profiles, Art Tutorials, Buying Guides and much more! Sign up to our newsletter to get a first look at
Alice Seuffertdiningwithalice.comCooking and Conversation
Wereldvolmagiewereldvolmagie.nlDe leukste inspiratie voor uitjes in Nederland en daarbuiten vind je op
Amanda Powellcookienameddesire.comA baking blog dedicated to tried and tested dessert recipes, baked goods, and comforting meals. You'll find easy recipes for all skill levels!
Jean Emmertcreateandbabble.comMaking pretty things and making things pretty
Lekker eten met Lindalekkeretenmetlinda.nlLekkere, makkelijke recepten die vaak snel klaar zijn. Van gezonde ontbijtrecepten, lunch salades, avondeten, borrelhapjes en elke week een nieuw weekmenu.
The Pink Pantry, LLC dba Sunday Tablesundaytable.coSweet & savory small bites for parties, holidays, and everyday entertaining.
Celebrate & Decorate Com, LLCcelebrateanddecorate.comNo description available.
Building Bluebirdbuildingbluebird.comWelcome to Building Bluebird where you can find beginner DIY tutorials, home decor inspiration and real estate tips!